CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Intermediate / Advanced
Will Craig (USA) - August 2014
Nothing - The Script
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Count in: After 16 counts

(1-8) Side Behind and 1/4 Turn, Rock and Cross 1/4 Turn, Step Back 1/4 Turn, Rock Recover
1 2&Step R to right side(1), Step L behind right (2) Make 1/4 turn right stepping R forward (&) 3:00
3 4Walk forward L (3), Walk forward R (4)
5&6Rock L forward (5), Recover weight onto R while making 1/4 turn right (&), Cross L over right (6) 6:00
7 8&Make 1/4 turn left stepping R back (7), Rock L to left side (&), Recover weight onto R (8) 3:00

(9-16) Back Rock Recover Back, Rock 3/4 Turn, Chase Turn 1/2, 1/4 Turn Side , 1/2 Turn Side
1 2&Step L back and slightly behind right (1), Rock R to right side (2) Recover weight onto L
3 4&Step R back and slightly behind left (3), Making 1/4 turn left while rocking L foot forward (&), Recover weight onto R (&) 12:00
5 6&Make 1/2 turn left while stepping L forward (5), Step R forward (6) Make 1/2 turn left putting weight onto L (&) 12:00
7 8Make 1/4 turn left stepping R to right side (7), Make 1/2 turn left stepping L to left side (8) 3:00

(17-24) 1/2 Turn Nightclub Basic Right, Sway Sway Nightclub Basic Right, Walks Diagonal
1 2&Make 1/2 turn left stepping R to right side (1), Rock L behind right (2), Recover weight onto R (&) 9:00
3 4&Sway L (3), Sway R(4), Sway L (&)
5 6&Side step R to right side (5) Rock L behind right (6), Recover weight onto R (&)
7 8&Walk towards left diagonal L (7), Walk towards left diagonal R (8), Walk towards left diagonal L (&) 7:30

(25-32) Rock Recover, 1/2 Turn, Chase Turn, Cross Rock Full Turn
1 2&Rock R forward (1), Recover weight on L (2), Step R back (&) 7:30
3 4&Make 1/2 turn left stepping L forward (3), Step R foot forward (4) Make little less than 1/2 turn to square up to 9:00 Wall putting weight onto L (&)
5 6Cross R over left (5), Rock L to left side (6)
7 8Make 1/4 turn left as you recover weight onto R (7), Make 1/4 left stepping L to left side (8)

******This will leave you facing the 3:00 wall. In order to keep the dance flowing after the very first time, you WILL MAKE a 1/2 Turn to the right stepping R to right side to start the dance again for count 1. This will put you on the 9:00 wall to start the 2nd wall then 6:00 for 3rd and so on.

TAG: After wall 3
1-8Nightclub Basic Right Nightclub Basic Left, 1/4 Turn, Chase Turn 1/2, Chase Turn 3/4
1 2&Step R to right side (1) Rock L behind right (2) Recover weight onto R
3 4&Step L to left side (3) Rock R behind left (4) Recover weight onto L
5 6&Make 1/4 turn right stepping forward on R, (5) Step L forward (6) Make 1/2 turn right putting weight onto R (&)
7 8&Step L forward (7) Step R forward (8) 3/4 turn left ending with weight onto L
Start the dance again facing same wall as you started the Tag

Restart: During wall 8 dance till count 18 then Restart.
In order to make this happen after the 1/2 turn instead of the nightclub basic right. Just sway right for count 17 sway left for 18.

Last Update - 4th Sept 2014

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