CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Gail A. Dawson (USA) - July 2014
Move - Little Mix
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32 Count Intro

Sequence - A, first 16 of A, B, B, A, A, A, B, B, A, A, C, A, A, A, first 16 counts of A

Part A - 32 counts
Walk forward, tap, walk back, tap, kick & turn
1-2Right foot step forward, left foot step forward
3-4Right foot tap forward, right foot step back
5-7Left foot step back, right foot step back, left foot tap back
8 &Left kick turning ¼ to the left, step down next to right foot

Tap, kick, step tap, press right, press left
1Right foot taps out to the right
2 & 3Right foot kick and step right foot down next to left foot, left foot tap out to left
4Left foot step next to right foot
5-6Right foot step to the right (partially shifting weight to the right), then right foot steps next to left foot
7- 8Left foot step to the left (partially shifting weight to the left), then left foot steps next to right foot

Step together triple step to each side
1-2Right foot step to right, left foot steps next to right foot
3&4Right foot steps to the right, left foot steps next to right, right foot steps to the right
5-6Left foot steps to the left, right foot steps next to left
7&8Left foot steps to the left, right foot steps next to left, left foot steps to the left

Hitch, step, shift weight to each side
1-2Right knee, right foot steps back at a 45 degree angle, weight shifts to right
3-4Shift weight to left leg, shift weight back to right leg
5-6Left knee, left foot steps back at a 45 degree angle, weight shifts t left
7-8Shift weight to right leg, shift weight back to left leg

Part A – first 16 counts

Part B – 16 Counts (always done twice for a total of 32 counts)
Diagonals to each side
1-2Right foot steps diagonally forward to the right, left leg steps next to right
3-4Right foot steps diagonally forward to the right, left leg steps next to right
5-6Left foot steps diagonally forward to the left, right foot steps next to left
7-8Left foot steps diagonally forward to the left, right foot steps next to left

Body rolls back
1-2Right foot steps diagonally back, body roll as weight shifts to the right
3-4Left foot steps diagonally back, body roll as weight shifts to the left
5-6Right foot steps diagonally back, body roll as weight shifts to the right
7-8Left foot steps diagonally back, body roll as weight shifts to the left

• Alternative for the body rolls – step touches

Part A 3 times

Part B – twice for a total of 32 counts

Part A – 2 times

Part C – 32 Counts
Kick, step, point to each side, triple step to each side
1&2Right kick, step down on right, left foot points to the left
3&4Left kick, step down on left, right foot point to the right
5&6Right step to the right, left steps next to right, right step to the right
7&8Left step to the left, right steps next to left, left step to the left

Modified Chasse
1-4Right foot steps to the right, hold for 3 counts (head nods)
&5Left foot steps next to the right, right foot steps to the right
6 7 8Hold for 3 counts (head nods)

Kick, step, point to each side, triple step to each side
1&2Left kick, step down on left, right foot points to the right
3&4Right kick, step down on right, left foot point to the left
5&6Left step to the left, right steps next to left, left step to the left
7&8Right step to the right, left steps next to right, right step to the right

Modified Chasse
1-4Left foot steps to the left, hold for 3 counts (head nods)
&5Right foot steps next to the left, left foot steps to the left
6 7 8Hold for 3 counts (head nods)

Part A – 3 complete times
Part A – first 16 Counts end with a snap circling the right arm over head & down clockwise

Contact: Gail A. Dawson –

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