CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ticket 2 Heaven

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Henning Joergensen (DK) - May 2014
Ticket to Heaven - Dire Straits
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No Tag No Restart - BUT on wall 3 leave out section 5

Section 1: basic right side, hold right behind ¼ turn left step
1 4step right to right, hold, rock back on left recover on right
5 6step left to left, hold
7 8step right behind left turn ¼ left step left forward

Section 2: basic right, vine left and cross
1 4turn ¼ left step right to right, hold, rock back on left recover on right
5 8step left to left right behind left left to left right across left

Section 3: basic left side, hold, left behind ¼ turn right step
1 4step left to left, hold, rock back on right recover on left
5 6step right to right, hold
7 8step right behind left, turn ¼ right step right forward

Section 4: basic left, vine right and cross
1 4turn ¼ right step left to left, hold, rock back on right recover on left
5 8step right to right right behind right right to right left across right

Section 5: side touch x 2
1 4step right to right, touch left next to right, step left to left, touch right next to left

Section 6: lockstep hold, rock ¼ left, touch
1 4step right forward step, left behind right, step right forward, hold
5 8rock forward on left recover on right, turn ¼ left step left to left, touch right next to left

Section 7: vine 8
1 4step right to right left behind right turn¼ right step right forward step left forward
5 8pivot ½ turn right turn ¼ right step left to left step right behind left step left to left

Section 8: cross rock, hold, side cross rock, hold, ¼ turn left, step left forward
1 4rock right across left, hold, recover to left, step right to right
5 8rock left across right, hold, recover to right, turn ¼ left step left forward

Section 9: step right forward, hold, ¼ turn left, cross right over left, vine left touch
1 4step forward on right hold, recover on left turn ¼ left, step right across left
5 8step left to left, right behind left, left to left, touch right next to left

Ending In wall 6 section 6 Lockstep, hold, rock recover, shuffle ½ turn left

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Last Update – 19th Aug 2014

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