Phrased Easy Intermediate
Dance sequence: A, B, A, A, B, A, B
Start dance on vocals:
Section A: 32 counts
1 2 3&4Cross left over right, ¼ left turn step right back, shuffle back LRL (9.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle forward RLR
1 2 3&4½ right turn step left back, step right back, shuffle back LRL (3.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle RLR
Note the next 16 counts is the repeat of the first 16 counts
1 2 3&4Cross left over right, ¼ left turn step right back, shuffle back LRL (12.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle forward RLR
1 2 3&4½ right turn step left back, step right back, shuffle back LRL (6.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle RLR
Section B: 48 counts
1 2 3&4¼ left turn rock left while looking left,1/4 right turn recover right, triple steps on the spot (6.00)
5 6 7&8¼ right turn rock right while looking right,1/4 left turn recover left, triple steps on the spot (6.00)
1 2 3 4Step left forward, touch right behind, on ball of left make ½ right turn, step forward while flicking left back(12.00)
5 6 7&8Cross left over right, cross right over left, shuffle forward LRL
1 2 3&4Big step right, drag left to right, left chasse LRL
5&6 7&8Back shuffle RLR, ½ left turn shuffle forward LRL (6.00)
1 2 3&4Touch right across left, touch right to right, ½ right sailor (12.00)
5 6 7&8Touch left across right, touch left to left, ½ left sailor (6.00)
1 2&3&4Step right, step left behind, small step right, touch left heel forward, step left, cross right over left
5 6&7&8Step left, step right behind, small step left, touch right heel forward, step right, cross left over right
1&2&3&4Touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left
5 6 7&8Roll hips LRLR
Last wall: Repeat the last 8 counts 3 more times; but you mirror the 2nd and 4th times
1&2&3&4Touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right
5 6 7&8Roll hips RLRL
1&2&3&4Touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left
5 6 7&8Roll hips LRLR
1&2&3&4Touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right
5 6 7&8Roll hips RLRL
Contact: kennyteho@yahoo.com
Start dance on vocals:
Section A: 32 counts
1 2 3&4Cross left over right, ¼ left turn step right back, shuffle back LRL (9.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle forward RLR
1 2 3&4½ right turn step left back, step right back, shuffle back LRL (3.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle RLR
Note the next 16 counts is the repeat of the first 16 counts
1 2 3&4Cross left over right, ¼ left turn step right back, shuffle back LRL (12.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle forward RLR
1 2 3&4½ right turn step left back, step right back, shuffle back LRL (6.00)
5 6 7&8Rock right back, recover left, shuffle RLR
Section B: 48 counts
1 2 3&4¼ left turn rock left while looking left,1/4 right turn recover right, triple steps on the spot (6.00)
5 6 7&8¼ right turn rock right while looking right,1/4 left turn recover left, triple steps on the spot (6.00)
1 2 3 4Step left forward, touch right behind, on ball of left make ½ right turn, step forward while flicking left back(12.00)
5 6 7&8Cross left over right, cross right over left, shuffle forward LRL
1 2 3&4Big step right, drag left to right, left chasse LRL
5&6 7&8Back shuffle RLR, ½ left turn shuffle forward LRL (6.00)
1 2 3&4Touch right across left, touch right to right, ½ right sailor (12.00)
5 6 7&8Touch left across right, touch left to left, ½ left sailor (6.00)
1 2&3&4Step right, step left behind, small step right, touch left heel forward, step left, cross right over left
5 6&7&8Step left, step right behind, small step left, touch right heel forward, step right, cross left over right
1&2&3&4Touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left
5 6 7&8Roll hips LRLR
Last wall: Repeat the last 8 counts 3 more times; but you mirror the 2nd and 4th times
1&2&3&4Touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right
5 6 7&8Roll hips RLRL
1&2&3&4Touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left
5 6 7&8Roll hips LRLR
1&2&3&4Touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right, step right beside, touch left to left, step left beside, touch right to right
5 6 7&8Roll hips RLRL
Contact: kennyteho@yahoo.com