CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Signature Move

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Higher Improver / Intermediate
Peter Davenport (ES) - June 2014
My Signature Move - P!nk
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32 count Intro, Start just after vocals, Approx 20 seconds

S1: Walk Forward L.R, Kick Ball Point, R&L Sailor Steps
1,2Wall forward L.R 12
3&4Kick L forward, Bring L to R, Point R to R
5&6R sailor step
7&8L sailor step

S2: Touch Back ½ R, Full Turn, Shuffle Forward, R Modified Samba Step
1,2Touch R toe back, unwind ½ R step on R 6
3,4½ R step back on L, ½ R step forward on R **R2/W7
5&6L shuffle forward L.R.L
7&8&Rock R to R side, Recover on L, Cross R over L, Step L to L 6

S3: Behind ¼ L, Step ¾ Step L, Behind ¼ R, Step ½ Step
1,2Cross R behind L, ¼ L step on L 3
3&4Step on R, Pivot ¾ L, Step R to R 6
5,6Cross L behind R, ¼ R step on L 9
7&8&Step forward on L, Pivot ½ R, Step on L, Small step forward on R *R1/W3 3

S4: Twist Both Heels R, ¼ Hook, Shuffle, Rock Replace, Coaster ¼ L
1,2Twist both heels L, ¼ R hook R under & across L knee 6
(twist hook)
3&4Shuffle forward R.L.R
5,6Rock forward on L, Recover on R
7&8Step L back, ¼ L step back on R, Step L forward 3

S5: Side Hold, & Side Hold & ¼ ½ Step
1,2&Step R to R, HOLD, bring L to R 3
3,4&Step R to R, HOLD, bring L to R
5,6¼ R step on R, Step forward on L 6
7,8Pivot ½ R, (weight remains on R) Step forward on L 12

S6: Rock Back Coaster Step, Rock Replace Shuffle ½
1,2Rock forward on R, Rock back on L
3&4R coaster step, Step R back, Bring L to R, Step R forward
5,6Rock forward on L, Rock back on R
7&8Shuffle ½ L, turning L.R.L 6

S7: Full Turn, Shuffle, Jazz Box
1,2½ L step back on R, ½ L step on L
3&4R shuffle forward R.L.R
5,6Cross L over R, Step back on R
7,8Step L to L, Cross R over L

S8: Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock, Behind Side Touch
1,2Rock L to L, Recover on R
3&4Cross L behind R, Step R to R, Cross L over R
5,6Rock R to R, Recover on L
7&8Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R to L 6

*Restart 1 on Wall 3
Dance up to and including 7&8 on section 3, change the & count ¼ L step R to R side, Restart from count 1
**Restart 2 on Wall 7
Dance up to and including count 4 on section 2, Restart the dance from count 1


Last Update - 29th June 2014

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