CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate / Advanced Catalan
Chris Thoma - May 2014
Online - Brad Paisley : (Album: 5th gear)
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Support: Conny L. & Swinging Hats (Weiden, Germany)

Phrased A+B+C(32+32+16cts.), 2 wall

A-A-B-B-C - A-A-B-B-C - A-A-B-C - C-B-B-C

Intro of 32 counts.
Recommended: Fade out/cut song at 4:05

Part A: 32 counts
S 1: grapevine right + scuff, step, point, step, kick
1-2right step to right, cross left behind right foot
3-4right step to right, scuff left
5-6cross left over right foot, point right behind left
7-8step back with right, kick left

S 2: grapevine left + scuff, rocking chair
1-2left step to left, cross right behind left
3-4left step to left, scuff right
5-6right(heel) rock forward, recover on left
7-8right rock back, recover on left

S 3: Monterry turn + hook, hook r, side rock
1-2point right to right side, 1/2 turn right stepping right next to left
3-4point left to left side, left hook up in front of right
5-6set left next to right, right hook up in front of right
7-8right rock to right side, recover on left

S 4: cross heel, heel, point, scuff, jazzbox
1-2cross right heel over left, touch right heel forward
3-4touch right toe back, scuff right
5-6cross right over left, left step to left
7-8right step to right, set left next to right

Part B: 32 counts
S 1: step, point, step, kick, rock back, kick, stomp
1-2right step forward, point left toe behind right
3-4left step back, kick right
5-6right rock back, recover on left
7-8kick right, stomp right next to left(weight on left)

S 2: grapevine right, scuff, ¼ turn, scuff, ¼ turn, scuff
1-2right step to right, cross left behind right
3-4right step to right, scuff left
5-6¼ turn right and left step to left, scuff right
7-8¼ turn right and right step to right, scuff left

S 3: rolling vine left, scuff, cross rock, rock back
1-3step left to left side turning ¼ left, step right forward turning ¾ left, step left to left side
Alternative: grapevine(l-r-l) to left
4scuff right
5-6cross-rock right over left, recover on left
7-8right foot jump back and kick left, recover on left

S 4: Pivot turn, pivot turn, stomp, stomp, heel swivel out & in
1-2pivot turn ½ left ending with weight on left food
3-4repeat 1-2
5-6stomp right next to left twice
7-8turn both heels ro right, turn back both heels

Part C: 16 counts
S 1: jumping jack ½ turn left, stomp, kick, kick, rock back left
1-2jump both feet apart, jump crossing right over left
3-4unwind ½ turn left ending with weight on left, stomp up right next to left
5-6kick left twice
7-8rock back left, recover on right

S 2: vaudeville right, kick, kick side
1-2cross left over right, right step to right
3-4touch left heel forward, left step to left
5-6kick right, stomp right next to left
7-8kick right to right side, stomp right next to left

Seq: A-A-B-B-C - A-A-B-B-C - A-A-B-C - C-B-B-C


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