Easy Intermediate waltz
Start on Vocals
[1 – 12] Cross- Hold-Hold, Waltz Back, Diagonally Forward-Hold-Hold, Waltz Back
1-2-3Cross L over R, hold, hold [softly pushing left hand forward]
4-5-6Step R back, step L together, step R together
7-8-9Step L forward diagonally to the left, hold, hold [softly pushing right hand forward]
10-11-12Step R back, step L together, step R together [12.00]
[13 – 24] Waltz Forward ¼ Left - Waltz Back [x2]
1-2-3Turn ¼ left & step L fwd, step R together, step L together [*** ]
4-5-6Step R back, step L together, step R together
7-8-9Turn ¼ left & step L fwd, step R together, step L together
10-11-12Step R back, step L together, step R together [6.00]
[25 – 36] Forward–Point -Hold [x2], Waltz Forward ¼ Left, Waltz Back
1-2-3Step L forward, point R to right side, hold [turning head to right]
4-5-6Step R forward, point L to left side, hold [turning head to left]
7-8-9Turn ¼ left & step L fwd, step R together, step L together
10-11-12Step R back, step L together, step R together [3.00]
[37 – 48] Rock Forward-Hold-Hold, Rock Back-Hold-Hold, Forward, ¼, ¼, Right Twinkle
1-2-3Rock forward onto L, hold, hold [softly extending hands out]
4-5-6Rock Back onto R, hold, hold [softly bringing hands in]
7-8-9Step L fwd, turn ¼ left & step R back, turn ¼ left & step L to side
10-11-12Step R over L, step L to left side, recover on R [9.00]
Start Again.... Enjoy
Finish [***] On Wall 10 – Dance to count 15 – the music slows down so do a slow ½ turn left waltz [step back on R, turn ½ left and step L fwd, step R together, - step L fwd & pose.
Contact: eteresnr@gmail.com
[1 – 12] Cross- Hold-Hold, Waltz Back, Diagonally Forward-Hold-Hold, Waltz Back
1-2-3Cross L over R, hold, hold [softly pushing left hand forward]
4-5-6Step R back, step L together, step R together
7-8-9Step L forward diagonally to the left, hold, hold [softly pushing right hand forward]
10-11-12Step R back, step L together, step R together [12.00]
[13 – 24] Waltz Forward ¼ Left - Waltz Back [x2]
1-2-3Turn ¼ left & step L fwd, step R together, step L together [*** ]
4-5-6Step R back, step L together, step R together
7-8-9Turn ¼ left & step L fwd, step R together, step L together
10-11-12Step R back, step L together, step R together [6.00]
[25 – 36] Forward–Point -Hold [x2], Waltz Forward ¼ Left, Waltz Back
1-2-3Step L forward, point R to right side, hold [turning head to right]
4-5-6Step R forward, point L to left side, hold [turning head to left]
7-8-9Turn ¼ left & step L fwd, step R together, step L together
10-11-12Step R back, step L together, step R together [3.00]
[37 – 48] Rock Forward-Hold-Hold, Rock Back-Hold-Hold, Forward, ¼, ¼, Right Twinkle
1-2-3Rock forward onto L, hold, hold [softly extending hands out]
4-5-6Rock Back onto R, hold, hold [softly bringing hands in]
7-8-9Step L fwd, turn ¼ left & step R back, turn ¼ left & step L to side
10-11-12Step R over L, step L to left side, recover on R [9.00]
Start Again.... Enjoy
Finish [***] On Wall 10 – Dance to count 15 – the music slows down so do a slow ½ turn left waltz [step back on R, turn ½ left and step L fwd, step R together, - step L fwd & pose.
Contact: eteresnr@gmail.com