Intermediate NC2
Start Just Befor Vocals “Wake Up To A Sunny Day” Approx 6 Seconds
S1: Side,Behind ¼ ¼ Rock, Replace Side, Behind ¼ Rock Replace, ½ ¼
1,2&Slide Step R to R, Cross L behind R, ¼ R step on R 3
3,4&¼ R step L to L side, Rock R behind L, Replace on L 6
5,6&Step R to R, Cross L behind R, ¼ R step on R 9
7,8&Rock forward on L, Recover on R, ½ L step on L 3
S2: ¼, Sailor ½, Side Cross Side, Rock ¼ L, Step ¾ L
1,2&3¼ Slide R to R, Sailor ½ L, cross L over R on count 3 (6)
*** W/8
4&5Step R to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R 6
6&7Rock L over R, Recover on R, ¼ L step on L 9
8&1Step on R, Pivot ¾ L, Slide Step out on R 6
S3: Rock Replace Side, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock Cross, Extended Cross Shuffle, Rock
2&3Rock L behind R, Recover on R, Step L to L 6
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L (6)
*** W/5
6&7Rock L out to L, Recover on R, Cross L over R 6
&8&1Step R to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross rock L over R 7
S4: Back R.L.R,Forward Shuffle, Back Shuffle, Side Tap
2&3Run back R.L.R 7
4&5Diagonal shuffle forward L.R.L 5
6&7Shuffle back diagonal R.L.R (straighten up to 3) 3
8&Step L to L, Touch R toe to L 3
*** Restart & Change of step on Wall 5.
Dance up to and including count 4& on section 3, change count 5 push off on L taking along step to the R starting the dance again from count 1.
*** Restart on Wall 8.
Dance up to and including count 1 on section 2, then Restart the dance agsin from count 1.
NB: It’s nice to accentuate the steps to coincide with the music, using the NC2 style of slide steps putting your own interpretation into the song.
The words in the track will hit a cord with some people and their own personal experiences, enjoy the dance TA.
Contact: peterdavenport@hotmail.com
S1: Side,Behind ¼ ¼ Rock, Replace Side, Behind ¼ Rock Replace, ½ ¼
1,2&Slide Step R to R, Cross L behind R, ¼ R step on R 3
3,4&¼ R step L to L side, Rock R behind L, Replace on L 6
5,6&Step R to R, Cross L behind R, ¼ R step on R 9
7,8&Rock forward on L, Recover on R, ½ L step on L 3
S2: ¼, Sailor ½, Side Cross Side, Rock ¼ L, Step ¾ L
1,2&3¼ Slide R to R, Sailor ½ L, cross L over R on count 3 (6)
*** W/8
4&5Step R to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R 6
6&7Rock L over R, Recover on R, ¼ L step on L 9
8&1Step on R, Pivot ¾ L, Slide Step out on R 6
S3: Rock Replace Side, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock Cross, Extended Cross Shuffle, Rock
2&3Rock L behind R, Recover on R, Step L to L 6
4&5Cross R behind L, Step L to L, Cross R over L (6)
*** W/5
6&7Rock L out to L, Recover on R, Cross L over R 6
&8&1Step R to R, Cross L over R, Step R to R, Cross rock L over R 7
S4: Back R.L.R,Forward Shuffle, Back Shuffle, Side Tap
2&3Run back R.L.R 7
4&5Diagonal shuffle forward L.R.L 5
6&7Shuffle back diagonal R.L.R (straighten up to 3) 3
8&Step L to L, Touch R toe to L 3
*** Restart & Change of step on Wall 5.
Dance up to and including count 4& on section 3, change count 5 push off on L taking along step to the R starting the dance again from count 1.
*** Restart on Wall 8.
Dance up to and including count 1 on section 2, then Restart the dance agsin from count 1.
NB: It’s nice to accentuate the steps to coincide with the music, using the NC2 style of slide steps putting your own interpretation into the song.
The words in the track will hit a cord with some people and their own personal experiences, enjoy the dance TA.
Contact: peterdavenport@hotmail.com