High Beginner / Improver
Intro: 16 counts
Note: This dance can be done as a 4-wall dance. See Option in Section III, 1-4.
I. Rock, Recover, Triple; Rock, Recover, Triple
1-2Rock R forward, recover to L,
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
5-6Rock L back, recover to R
7&8Step L forward, R together, step L forward
II. Forward, Touch together-side-together; Forward, Touch together-side-together
1Step R forward
2-3-4Touch L together, touch L side, touch L together
5Step L forward
6-7-8Touch R together, touch R side, touch R together
Optional styling: On count 1 lead the step forward with R hip and shoulder to face 11:30. On count 5 lead with the L step forward with L hip and shoulder facing 1:30.
III. Jazz Box 1/2 R Turn; Side Mambos X 2
1-2Step R over, step L back making 1/4 turn right (3:00)
3-4Step R side making 1/4 turn right (6:00), step L over
5&6Rock R side, recover on L, step R beside
7&8Rock L side, recover on R, step L beside
Optional for 1-4: Jazz Box 1/4 R turn (making the dance a 4 wall instead of 2 wall)
IV. Over, Side, Sailor; Over, Side, Sailor
1-2Step R over, step L side
3&4Step R behind, step L side, step R side
5-6Step L over, step R side
7&8Step L behind R, step L side, step R side
Contact: helaine43@gmail.com
Last Update: 30 Jun 2023
Note: This dance can be done as a 4-wall dance. See Option in Section III, 1-4.
I. Rock, Recover, Triple; Rock, Recover, Triple
1-2Rock R forward, recover to L,
3&4Step R back, step L together, step R back
5-6Rock L back, recover to R
7&8Step L forward, R together, step L forward
II. Forward, Touch together-side-together; Forward, Touch together-side-together
1Step R forward
2-3-4Touch L together, touch L side, touch L together
5Step L forward
6-7-8Touch R together, touch R side, touch R together
Optional styling: On count 1 lead the step forward with R hip and shoulder to face 11:30. On count 5 lead with the L step forward with L hip and shoulder facing 1:30.
III. Jazz Box 1/2 R Turn; Side Mambos X 2
1-2Step R over, step L back making 1/4 turn right (3:00)
3-4Step R side making 1/4 turn right (6:00), step L over
5&6Rock R side, recover on L, step R beside
7&8Rock L side, recover on R, step L beside
Optional for 1-4: Jazz Box 1/4 R turn (making the dance a 4 wall instead of 2 wall)
IV. Over, Side, Sailor; Over, Side, Sailor
1-2Step R over, step L side
3&4Step R behind, step L side, step R side
5-6Step L over, step R side
7&8Step L behind R, step L side, step R side
Contact: helaine43@gmail.com
Last Update: 30 Jun 2023