Intro: Start after the vocals
1&2Step forward on R, move LL next to R, move RL to the right
3&4Step forward on L, move RL next to L, move LL to the left
5&6Cross R over L, recover on L, move RL to the right
7&8Cross L over R, recover on R, ½ left turn and move LL forward (facing 9.00)
1&2Step RL next to L, recover on L, step forward on R
3&4Step LL next to R, recover on R, step forward on L
5&6Step RL next to L, recover on L, ½ R turn and step RL to the right (facing 6.00)
7&8Step LL next to R, recover on R, move LL to the left
1&2½ R turn and step RL to the R (facing 12.00), move LL next to R, move RL to the R
3&4½ L turn and step LL to the L (facing 6.00), move RL next to L, move LL to the L
5&6Step RL to the right, move LL next to right, move RL to the right
7&8½ L turn and step LL to the L (facing 12.00), move RL next to L, move LL to the L
1&2Step forward on R, recover on L, move RL back
3&4Step back on L, recover on R, step forward on L
5&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 3.00)
6&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 12.00)
7&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 9.00)
8&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 6.00)
Tag: (6 counts)
1&2Step forward on R, move LF behind R, move RL forward
3&4Step back on L, move RL in front of L, move LF back
5&6Step back on R, move LL in front of R, move RL back
Wall #2 after 16 counts, Restart
Wall #3 after 16 counts. Add 6 counts Tag
After Wall #5, Add a 4 counts Jazz box
After Wall #6, End with a 6 counts Tag
Have Fun & Enjoy the Dance!
Edward Tam - dancekaki@gmail.com
Karen Chin - karenjhchin@hotmail.com
1&2Step forward on R, move LL next to R, move RL to the right
3&4Step forward on L, move RL next to L, move LL to the left
5&6Cross R over L, recover on L, move RL to the right
7&8Cross L over R, recover on R, ½ left turn and move LL forward (facing 9.00)
1&2Step RL next to L, recover on L, step forward on R
3&4Step LL next to R, recover on R, step forward on L
5&6Step RL next to L, recover on L, ½ R turn and step RL to the right (facing 6.00)
7&8Step LL next to R, recover on R, move LL to the left
1&2½ R turn and step RL to the R (facing 12.00), move LL next to R, move RL to the R
3&4½ L turn and step LL to the L (facing 6.00), move RL next to L, move LL to the L
5&6Step RL to the right, move LL next to right, move RL to the right
7&8½ L turn and step LL to the L (facing 12.00), move RL next to L, move LL to the L
1&2Step forward on R, recover on L, move RL back
3&4Step back on L, recover on R, step forward on L
5&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 3.00)
6&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 12.00)
7&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 9.00)
8&Step forward on R, ¼ L turn on LF (facing 6.00)
Tag: (6 counts)
1&2Step forward on R, move LF behind R, move RL forward
3&4Step back on L, move RL in front of L, move LF back
5&6Step back on R, move LL in front of R, move RL back
Wall #2 after 16 counts, Restart
Wall #3 after 16 counts. Add 6 counts Tag
After Wall #5, Add a 4 counts Jazz box
After Wall #6, End with a 6 counts Tag
Have Fun & Enjoy the Dance!
Edward Tam - dancekaki@gmail.com
Karen Chin - karenjhchin@hotmail.com