Easy Intermediate
Intro: 48 counts
R & L Side Waltz Step
1 2 3Side step R, L ball behind R, recover on R (both arms up wave to R)
4 5 6Side step L, R ball behind L, recover on L (both arms up wave to L)
R Waltz Step Walk Diagonal to (1.30 ), Recover On L Back ½ Turn To ( 7.30)
1 2 3Forward step R, L ball beside, R step forward face (1.30) (both arms up)
4 5 6Recover on L, step back R ½ L , step L face (7.30) (both arms down)
R Twinkle 1/8 R Turn, L Twinkle ½ Turn L
1 2 3R cross over L, 1/8 R turn, L ball side rock recover R
4 5 6L cross over R, ¼ turn L, step R back, ¼ L, side step L
R Twinkle, L Twinkle ¼ Turn L
1 2 3R cross over L, L ball side rock recover R
4 5 6L cross over R, ¼ turn L, R ball side rock recover L
R Forward Full Turn R, L Rock Forward Recover Back
1 2 3Step R forward ½ turn R step L back, ½ turn R step R forward
4 5 6L Forward Rock recover R, step back L
R & L Twinkle Back
1 2 3R cross over L, diagonal back L, diagonal back R
4 5 6L cross over R, diagonal back R, diagonal back L
R Waltz Forward ½ R, L waltz Forward ½ L
1 2 3R forward ½ turn R, ball on L , R step beside
4 5 6L forward ½ turn L, ball on R, L step beside
R Twinkle, L Cross Unwind ½ Turn R
1 2 3R cross over L, L ball side rock recover on R
4 5 6L cross over R, slow unwind ½ turn R, weight on L
Ending :Wall 8 Face Back Wall, Dance First 12 Counts, Face front wall
Both arms cross up open place behind Pose.
Contact: janeng182@yahoo.com
R & L Side Waltz Step
1 2 3Side step R, L ball behind R, recover on R (both arms up wave to R)
4 5 6Side step L, R ball behind L, recover on L (both arms up wave to L)
R Waltz Step Walk Diagonal to (1.30 ), Recover On L Back ½ Turn To ( 7.30)
1 2 3Forward step R, L ball beside, R step forward face (1.30) (both arms up)
4 5 6Recover on L, step back R ½ L , step L face (7.30) (both arms down)
R Twinkle 1/8 R Turn, L Twinkle ½ Turn L
1 2 3R cross over L, 1/8 R turn, L ball side rock recover R
4 5 6L cross over R, ¼ turn L, step R back, ¼ L, side step L
R Twinkle, L Twinkle ¼ Turn L
1 2 3R cross over L, L ball side rock recover R
4 5 6L cross over R, ¼ turn L, R ball side rock recover L
R Forward Full Turn R, L Rock Forward Recover Back
1 2 3Step R forward ½ turn R step L back, ½ turn R step R forward
4 5 6L Forward Rock recover R, step back L
R & L Twinkle Back
1 2 3R cross over L, diagonal back L, diagonal back R
4 5 6L cross over R, diagonal back R, diagonal back L
R Waltz Forward ½ R, L waltz Forward ½ L
1 2 3R forward ½ turn R, ball on L , R step beside
4 5 6L forward ½ turn L, ball on R, L step beside
R Twinkle, L Cross Unwind ½ Turn R
1 2 3R cross over L, L ball side rock recover on R
4 5 6L cross over R, slow unwind ½ turn R, weight on L
Ending :Wall 8 Face Back Wall, Dance First 12 Counts, Face front wall
Both arms cross up open place behind Pose.
Contact: janeng182@yahoo.com