Easy Intermediate
Start Position: Feet together - with weight on L foot.
Starts on vocals – 16 counts in.
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4180 degree R turning shuffle - stepping R, L, R, (6:00 wall)
5,6Step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R - weight on R, (12:00 wall)
7&8L shuffle forward - stepping L, R, L, *
1,2Paddle turn - step R forward, pivot 90 degrees L - weight on L, (9:00 wall)
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R over L,
5,6Step/rock L to L side, rock/replace weight onto R,
7&8L turning sailor step - turning 90 degrees L - step L to L side, step R to R side, rock onto L, (6:00 wall)
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4Step R back, step L over R, step R back,
5,6Step L back, rock forward onto R,
7&8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, **
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4R backward coaster - step R back, step L beside R, step R forward,
5,6Step/rock L forward, rock/replace weight back on R,
7&8R backward coaster - step L back, step R beside L, step L forward.
Tags: End of wall 1- (6:00) and wall 3 - (12:00) add the following:-
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock back on L, step R back,
3,4Step/rock L back, rock forward on R, step L forward.
Wall 2 - (6:00) - dance first 8 counts* and start the dance from the beginning facing the back wall - (6:00)
Wall 6 - (12:00) - Dance the first 24 counts** then add a scuff forward and start the dance from the beginning facing the back wall - (6:00).
Finish: Starting from the back wall - dance the first 4 counts then add:
1,2,3,4Step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R, step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R. Step together.
As taught by the Travelling Cowboy. (Ph.0413.714725). Email: travellingcowboy@iprimus.com.au
Starts on vocals – 16 counts in.
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4180 degree R turning shuffle - stepping R, L, R, (6:00 wall)
5,6Step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R - weight on R, (12:00 wall)
7&8L shuffle forward - stepping L, R, L, *
1,2Paddle turn - step R forward, pivot 90 degrees L - weight on L, (9:00 wall)
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R over L,
5,6Step/rock L to L side, rock/replace weight onto R,
7&8L turning sailor step - turning 90 degrees L - step L to L side, step R to R side, rock onto L, (6:00 wall)
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4Step R back, step L over R, step R back,
5,6Step L back, rock forward onto R,
7&8Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, **
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock/replace weight back on L,
3&4R backward coaster - step R back, step L beside R, step R forward,
5,6Step/rock L forward, rock/replace weight back on R,
7&8R backward coaster - step L back, step R beside L, step L forward.
Tags: End of wall 1- (6:00) and wall 3 - (12:00) add the following:-
1,2Step/rock R forward, rock back on L, step R back,
3,4Step/rock L back, rock forward on R, step L forward.
Wall 2 - (6:00) - dance first 8 counts* and start the dance from the beginning facing the back wall - (6:00)
Wall 6 - (12:00) - Dance the first 24 counts** then add a scuff forward and start the dance from the beginning facing the back wall - (6:00).
Finish: Starting from the back wall - dance the first 4 counts then add:
1,2,3,4Step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R, step L forward, pivot 180 degrees R. Step together.
As taught by the Travelling Cowboy. (Ph.0413.714725). Email: travellingcowboy@iprimus.com.au