Start after 44 counts
1-2-3&4R cross over L, L point to left, shuffle forward L-R-L
5-6-7&8Jazz box R over L, recover L, ¼ turn right, chasse right R-L-R
1-2-3&4Step L forward, recover R, Shuffle back L-R-L
5&6-7&8Shuffle back R-L-R, Shuffle back L-R-L
1-2-3&4Rock back R, recover L, shuffle R-L-R with ½ turn left
5&6-7&8Shuffle back L-R-L, Reverse coaster R-L-R
1&2-3&4Diagonal shuffle left L-R-L, diagonal shuffle right R-L-R
5-6-7&8Bump hip L, Bump hip R, Bump hips L-R-L
Tag after 4th wall
1-2-3-4R cross over L, L point to left, L cross over R, R point to right
5-6-7-8Paddle ½ left R-L-R-L
The little girl sings in Romanian which is loosely translated as follows :
One night with Costica (a little monkey)
Me with a bottle, he with a bottle
We water the flowers in the window
The rest that is left in the bottle
We pour to the cat
I don't know what the flowers are feeling
But the cat has started singing
And we sing with it...
Hop-pa Zunea-Zunea
Hop-pa everybody
The whole world is enchanted
With the talented cat
So that the fishes don't stay quiet
I've poured them a little also
Only the ducks in the yard
Are silent. And stay silent
Hop-pa cause it's good
Hop-pa it's not a joke
Till the morning
Everybody is singing only Zunea-Zunea!
Have fun!
Contact: Submitted by - CH Lim-Naidu - rajahoon@gmail.com
1-2-3&4R cross over L, L point to left, shuffle forward L-R-L
5-6-7&8Jazz box R over L, recover L, ¼ turn right, chasse right R-L-R
1-2-3&4Step L forward, recover R, Shuffle back L-R-L
5&6-7&8Shuffle back R-L-R, Shuffle back L-R-L
1-2-3&4Rock back R, recover L, shuffle R-L-R with ½ turn left
5&6-7&8Shuffle back L-R-L, Reverse coaster R-L-R
1&2-3&4Diagonal shuffle left L-R-L, diagonal shuffle right R-L-R
5-6-7&8Bump hip L, Bump hip R, Bump hips L-R-L
Tag after 4th wall
1-2-3-4R cross over L, L point to left, L cross over R, R point to right
5-6-7-8Paddle ½ left R-L-R-L
The little girl sings in Romanian which is loosely translated as follows :
One night with Costica (a little monkey)
Me with a bottle, he with a bottle
We water the flowers in the window
The rest that is left in the bottle
We pour to the cat
I don't know what the flowers are feeling
But the cat has started singing
And we sing with it...
Hop-pa Zunea-Zunea
Hop-pa everybody
The whole world is enchanted
With the talented cat
So that the fishes don't stay quiet
I've poured them a little also
Only the ducks in the yard
Are silent. And stay silent
Hop-pa cause it's good
Hop-pa it's not a joke
Till the morning
Everybody is singing only Zunea-Zunea!
Have fun!
Contact: Submitted by - CH Lim-Naidu - rajahoon@gmail.com