CopperKnob Stepsheets

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We Are Water

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Jeni Bradshaw (UK) - March 2014
We Are Water - Hayden Panettiere
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Intro: 16 counts – No Tags No Restarts

Section 1: R Heel Hook R Heel Flick R Lock Step. L Heel Hook L Heel Flick L Lock Step
1&Touch R heel forward. Hook R in front of L knee
2&Touch R heel forward. Flick R heel back and out to R
3&4Step R forward, lock step L behind R, step R forward
5&Touch L heel forward. Hook L in front of R knee
6&Touch L heel forward. Flick L heel back and out to L
7&8Step L forward, lock step R behind L, step L forward

Section 2: R Mambo Forward L Back Lock Step R Coaster Step, Step turn step ½ turn R
1&2Rock R forward. Recover onto L. Step R beside L
3&4Step L back, lock step R in front of L, step L back
5&6Step back R, step L beside R Step forward R
7&8Step forward L, pivot ½ R Step forward L

Sections 3: & 4 (repeat sections 1&2)

Section 5: R Side rock behind side cross L side rock cross shuffle
1-2Rock R out to R side, recover weight to L
3&4Cross step R behind L, step L to L side, cross step R over Left
5-6Side rock L on L, Recover weight onto R
7&8Cross L in front of R, Step R to R side, Cross L in front of R

Section 6: R Side behind step ¼ turn R, step pivot ½ turn R, ¼ turn R, Side behind ¼ turn L (FIGURE 8 GRAPEVINE)
1-2Step R to side, step L behind R
3-4Step R ¼ turn to R, step L forward
5-6Pivot ½ turn R, step L to L making ¼ turn R
7-8Step R behind L, step L forward making ¼ turn L

Section 7: R forward rock recover and triple full turn (or coaster step), L forward rock and coaster cross (or triple full turn L)
1-2Rock forward on R. Recover onto L.
3&4Triple full turn R, stepping - R, L, R
Option 3&4: Replace triple full turn with a coaster step - Step R back. Step L beside R. Step R forward
5-6Rock L forward recover on R
7&8Step L back. Step R beside L. Step L across R
Option 7&8: Replace L coaster with triple full turn L stepping L, R, L

Section 8: R side hold behind side touch, L side hold behind side touch
1-2Step R to R side. Hold.
3 & 4Cross L behind R. Step R to R side. Touch L toe next to R foot.
5 – 6Step L to L side. Hold.
7&8Cross R behind L. Step L to L side. Touch R toe next to L foot.


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