16 count intro
S1: Right & left diagonal steps with heel & toe swivels
1-4Step right diagonally forward right, swivel left up to right - heel in, toe in, heel in
5-8Step left diagonally forward left, swivel right up to left – heel in, toe in, heel in
S2: Step forward, touch, step back, touch, ½ turn left, ¼ turn left
1-2Step forward right, touch left beside right
3-4Step back left, touch right beside left
5-6Step forward right, turn ½ to left
7-8Step forward right, turn ¼ to left
S3: Figure 8 grapevine right
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right ¼ turn, step forward left
5Pivot ½ turn right shifting weight to right foot
6On ball of right pivot ¼ turn right stepping left to left side
7-8Cross right behind left, step left to left side
S4: Cross, side, heel, together, cross, side, behind, ½ unwind left
1-2Cross right over left, step left to left
3-4Touch right heel diagonally forward, step right beside left
5-6Cross left over right, step right to right
7-8Cross left behind right, ½ unwind to left (weight ends on left foot)
TAG: 6 count Tag, happens on wall 2 facing 9 o’clock, on wall 5 facing 12 o’clock and on wall 9 facing 12 o’clock
Syncopated jumps, heel bounce x 2
&1&2Jump feet shoulder width apart, jump feet in (weight on left)
&3&4Jump feet shoulder width apart, jump feet in (weight on left)
&5&6Raise heels, drop heels down (weight onto left) x 2
Contact: jane@janeomatz.se
S1: Right & left diagonal steps with heel & toe swivels
1-4Step right diagonally forward right, swivel left up to right - heel in, toe in, heel in
5-8Step left diagonally forward left, swivel right up to left – heel in, toe in, heel in
S2: Step forward, touch, step back, touch, ½ turn left, ¼ turn left
1-2Step forward right, touch left beside right
3-4Step back left, touch right beside left
5-6Step forward right, turn ½ to left
7-8Step forward right, turn ¼ to left
S3: Figure 8 grapevine right
1-2Step right to right side, cross left behind right
3-4Step right ¼ turn, step forward left
5Pivot ½ turn right shifting weight to right foot
6On ball of right pivot ¼ turn right stepping left to left side
7-8Cross right behind left, step left to left side
S4: Cross, side, heel, together, cross, side, behind, ½ unwind left
1-2Cross right over left, step left to left
3-4Touch right heel diagonally forward, step right beside left
5-6Cross left over right, step right to right
7-8Cross left behind right, ½ unwind to left (weight ends on left foot)
TAG: 6 count Tag, happens on wall 2 facing 9 o’clock, on wall 5 facing 12 o’clock and on wall 9 facing 12 o’clock
Syncopated jumps, heel bounce x 2
&1&2Jump feet shoulder width apart, jump feet in (weight on left)
&3&4Jump feet shoulder width apart, jump feet in (weight on left)
&5&6Raise heels, drop heels down (weight onto left) x 2
Contact: jane@janeomatz.se