Caballero, caballero (Version 2008) - Kristina Bach : (Album: Best of Kristina Bach, Dance Remix)
Count in: 24 counts (begin on vocals)
[1 – 8] Crossing Sambas x 2, Jazz Box ½ Turn with Flick
1 & 2Cross step R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover weight onto R
3 & 4Cross step L over R, Rock R to R side, Recover weight onto L
5 – 6Cross R over L, Step back on L
7 – 8Step R ½ turn R, Flick L back whilst clicking fingers
[9 – 16] Crossing Sambas x 2, Jazz Box ¼ Turn with Flick
1 & 2Cross step L over R, Rock R to R side, Recover weight onto L
3 & 4Cross step R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover weight onto R
5 – 6Cross L over R, Step back on R
7 – 8Step L ¼ turn L, Flick R back whilst clicking fingers
[17 – 24] Chasse, Rock back, Recover x 2
1 & 2Step R to R side, Close L beside R, Step R to R side
3 – 4Rock L back, Recover onto R
5 & 6Step L to L side, Close R beside L, Step L to L side
7 – 8Rock R back, Recover onto L
[25 – 32] Point, Hold, &, Point, Hold, &, Rocking Chair
1 – 2Point R toe to R side, Hold
&3 – 4Step R together, Point L toe to L side, Hold
&5 – 6Step L together, Rock forward on R, Recover onto L
7 – 8Rock back on R, Recover onto L
TAG: At the end of wall 4 (facing 12 o'clock) restart the dance from count 25 (point, holds) TWICE (totalling 16 counts) then begin the dance again from the beginning
Contact: grapevine616@gmail.com
[1 – 8] Crossing Sambas x 2, Jazz Box ½ Turn with Flick
1 & 2Cross step R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover weight onto R
3 & 4Cross step L over R, Rock R to R side, Recover weight onto L
5 – 6Cross R over L, Step back on L
7 – 8Step R ½ turn R, Flick L back whilst clicking fingers
[9 – 16] Crossing Sambas x 2, Jazz Box ¼ Turn with Flick
1 & 2Cross step L over R, Rock R to R side, Recover weight onto L
3 & 4Cross step R over L, Rock L to L side, Recover weight onto R
5 – 6Cross L over R, Step back on R
7 – 8Step L ¼ turn L, Flick R back whilst clicking fingers
[17 – 24] Chasse, Rock back, Recover x 2
1 & 2Step R to R side, Close L beside R, Step R to R side
3 – 4Rock L back, Recover onto R
5 & 6Step L to L side, Close R beside L, Step L to L side
7 – 8Rock R back, Recover onto L
[25 – 32] Point, Hold, &, Point, Hold, &, Rocking Chair
1 – 2Point R toe to R side, Hold
&3 – 4Step R together, Point L toe to L side, Hold
&5 – 6Step L together, Rock forward on R, Recover onto L
7 – 8Rock back on R, Recover onto L
TAG: At the end of wall 4 (facing 12 o'clock) restart the dance from count 25 (point, holds) TWICE (totalling 16 counts) then begin the dance again from the beginning
Contact: grapevine616@gmail.com