Intro: 32 counts
Weave to right, heel, 2 left kick ball crosses
1-2&3&4; Step right to right , cross left behind right, step right, left cross over right, step right, heel left diagonal left ( 10;30 )
5&6, 7&8 Kick left forward, step on ball of left, cross right over left.(5&6 ). Repeat ( 7&8 )
Weave on left, heel, 2 right kick ball crosses.
1-2&3&4 Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left, right cross over left, step left, heel right diagonal right ( 01:30)
5&6, 7&8; Kick right forward, step on ball of right, cross left over right (5&6) . Repeat ( 7&8 )
3 Kicks, steps & touches , Slide n Shake hips
1 -2 &Kick right forward, step right back, touch left next to right
3 -4&Kick left forward, step left back, touch right next to left.
5 -6&Kick right forward, step right back, touch left next to right
7 & 8Slide left to left, shake hips(09;00)
Mambo right, ¼ turn sailor left, mambo right, sailor left.
1&2; Forward on right, step left in place, step back Right
3&4; ¼ turn left cross left behind right, step right to right, step left slightly forward
5&6; Forward on right, step left in place, step back Right
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left slightly forward
Contact: www.meiskedance.com - www.sagitadance.com,
Weave to right, heel, 2 left kick ball crosses
1-2&3&4; Step right to right , cross left behind right, step right, left cross over right, step right, heel left diagonal left ( 10;30 )
5&6, 7&8 Kick left forward, step on ball of left, cross right over left.(5&6 ). Repeat ( 7&8 )
Weave on left, heel, 2 right kick ball crosses.
1-2&3&4 Step left to left, cross right behind left, step left, right cross over left, step left, heel right diagonal right ( 01:30)
5&6, 7&8; Kick right forward, step on ball of right, cross left over right (5&6) . Repeat ( 7&8 )
3 Kicks, steps & touches , Slide n Shake hips
1 -2 &Kick right forward, step right back, touch left next to right
3 -4&Kick left forward, step left back, touch right next to left.
5 -6&Kick right forward, step right back, touch left next to right
7 & 8Slide left to left, shake hips(09;00)
Mambo right, ¼ turn sailor left, mambo right, sailor left.
1&2; Forward on right, step left in place, step back Right
3&4; ¼ turn left cross left behind right, step right to right, step left slightly forward
5&6; Forward on right, step left in place, step back Right
7&8Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left slightly forward
Contact: www.meiskedance.com - www.sagitadance.com,