Intro: 8 counts ( 5 Sec)
[1-8] Fwd, Fwd, Fwd, Hitch, Back, Back, Back, Hitch
1234Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward, hitch left up
5678Step left back, step right back, step left back, hitch right up
[2-8] Side, Cross, Side, Kick, Side, Cross, Side, Kick
1234Step right to right, cross left over right, step right to right, kick left to diagonal R
5678Step left to left, cross right over left, step left to left, kick right to diagonal L
[3-8] Fwd Diagonal, Scuff, Hook , Fwd, Recover, Fwd Diagonal, Scuff, Hook , Fwd, Recover
12&34Step right forward diagonal L, scuff left forward, hook left up, step left forward, recover on right (10:30)
56&78Step left forward diagonal R, scuff right forward, hook right up, step right forward, recover on left (1:30)
[4-8] Back, Back, Fwd, Scuff, Hook, Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn R, Fwd, 1/2 Turn R
1234&Step right back, step left back, step right back, scuff left forward, hook left up
5678Step left forward, povit 1/2 turn R, step left forward, 1/2 turn R & weight on left
[5-8] Grapevine Step, Jump, 1/4 turn Jump, 1/4 turn Jump ,Hold
1234Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, step left next to right
5678Jump both feet towards right side, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R(6:00)
[6-8] Grapevine Step, Jump, 1/4 turn Jump, 1/4 turn Jump ,Hold
1234Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, step left next to right
5678Jump both feet towards right side, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R(12:00)
[7-8] Side , Hip Bumpx4, Walk R, L, R, L
1234Step right to right & hip bumps R, hip bumps L, hip bumps R, hip bumps L
5678Walk R, L, R, L
[8-8] 1/2 Turn L Side, Hip Bump X4,Walk R, L, R, L
12341/2 Turn L stepping right to right & hip bumps R, hip bumps L, hip bumps R, hip bumps L
5678Walk R, L, R, L
Happy Dancing!
Contact: linedancechina@163.com
[1-8] Fwd, Fwd, Fwd, Hitch, Back, Back, Back, Hitch
1234Step right forward, step left forward, step right forward, hitch left up
5678Step left back, step right back, step left back, hitch right up
[2-8] Side, Cross, Side, Kick, Side, Cross, Side, Kick
1234Step right to right, cross left over right, step right to right, kick left to diagonal R
5678Step left to left, cross right over left, step left to left, kick right to diagonal L
[3-8] Fwd Diagonal, Scuff, Hook , Fwd, Recover, Fwd Diagonal, Scuff, Hook , Fwd, Recover
12&34Step right forward diagonal L, scuff left forward, hook left up, step left forward, recover on right (10:30)
56&78Step left forward diagonal R, scuff right forward, hook right up, step right forward, recover on left (1:30)
[4-8] Back, Back, Fwd, Scuff, Hook, Fwd, Pivot 1/2 Turn R, Fwd, 1/2 Turn R
1234&Step right back, step left back, step right back, scuff left forward, hook left up
5678Step left forward, povit 1/2 turn R, step left forward, 1/2 turn R & weight on left
[5-8] Grapevine Step, Jump, 1/4 turn Jump, 1/4 turn Jump ,Hold
1234Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, step left next to right
5678Jump both feet towards right side, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R(6:00)
[6-8] Grapevine Step, Jump, 1/4 turn Jump, 1/4 turn Jump ,Hold
1234Step right to right, cross left behind right, step right to right, step left next to right
5678Jump both feet towards right side, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R, jump both feet & 1/4 turn R(12:00)
[7-8] Side , Hip Bumpx4, Walk R, L, R, L
1234Step right to right & hip bumps R, hip bumps L, hip bumps R, hip bumps L
5678Walk R, L, R, L
[8-8] 1/2 Turn L Side, Hip Bump X4,Walk R, L, R, L
12341/2 Turn L stepping right to right & hip bumps R, hip bumps L, hip bumps R, hip bumps L
5678Walk R, L, R, L
Happy Dancing!
Contact: linedancechina@163.com