8 count intro – start on vocals. Track Length: 4:03
[1 – 8] Back, Sweep 1/4, Behind, 1/4, 1/2, Back Sweep, Behind, Side, Across, Side Rock, Cross, 1/4, 1/2,
1, &Step R Back, turn ¼ left sweeping L out to side (&),
2 & 3Step L behind R, turn ¼ right then step R forward, turn ½ right then step L back,
& 4 & 5Sweep R out to side, step R behind L, step L to left, step R over L
6 & 7Step L to left, replace onto R, step L over R
8 &Turn ¼ left then step R back, turn ½ left then step L forward [9.00]
[9 – 16] Forward Rock, 1/2, Forward Rock, 1/4, Step 1/2 pivot, Replace, 1/2, Forward
1 2 &Step R forward, replace onto L, turn ½ right then step R forward (&)
3 4 &Step L forward, replace onto R, turn ¼ left then step L together (&)
5 6Step R forward, pivot ½ left
7 & 8Replace onto R, turn ½ left then step L forward, step R forward [12.00]
[17 – 24] Step 1/4, Forward Rock, 1/2, 1/4, Sweep 1/4, Behind, Side, Cross and Cross, 1/4, Full Spin
1 & 2Step L forward, pivot ¼ right, Step L forward
3 & 4Replace onto R, turn ½ left then step L forward, turn ¼ left then step R
& 5 &Turn ¼ left sweeping L out to side (&), step L behind R, step R to right (&)
6 & 7Step L over R, step R to right (&), step L over R
8 &Turn ¼ right then step R forward, Step L forward and spin 360 degrees right [6.00]
[25 – 32] Forward Rock, 1/2, forward, Side Rock, Cross, 1/2 drag, Side drag, Forward Tog
1 2 & 3Step R forward, replace onto L, turn ½ right then step R forward (&), Step L forward
4 & 5Step R on R45, replace onto L (&), step R across left (these travel forward)
6 7Turn ½ left on R dragging L into a low hitch, step L to left dragging R into a low hitch
8 &Step R forward, step L together (&) [6.00]
[33 – 40] Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Behind, Side, Angle, 1/2, 3/8, Behind, Side, Forward, Hitch
1 & 2 &## Step R back, sweep L out to side (&), step L back, sweep R out to side (&) ##
3 & 4Step R behind L, step L to left (&) step R forward onto left diagonal [4.30]
5 6Pivot ½ left, turn 3/8 left then step R to right
7 & 8 &Step L behind R, Step R to right (&), Step L forward, hitch R beside L [6.00]
Walls 2 & 4 (back) dance to count 34 & ## - restart to front for wall 3 and 5
Wall 5 (front) dance to count 34 ## - then add the following 4 steps then restart to back:
1 & 2 &Step R back, step L together (&), Step R forward, step L together (&)
Dance finishes on wall 7, turn counts 21 & 22 left to finish to the front
Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email: luolsen@bigpond.net.au
Stephen Paterson: Mob: 0438 695 494 - Email: steve.cowboy@bigpond.com
[1 – 8] Back, Sweep 1/4, Behind, 1/4, 1/2, Back Sweep, Behind, Side, Across, Side Rock, Cross, 1/4, 1/2,
1, &Step R Back, turn ¼ left sweeping L out to side (&),
2 & 3Step L behind R, turn ¼ right then step R forward, turn ½ right then step L back,
& 4 & 5Sweep R out to side, step R behind L, step L to left, step R over L
6 & 7Step L to left, replace onto R, step L over R
8 &Turn ¼ left then step R back, turn ½ left then step L forward [9.00]
[9 – 16] Forward Rock, 1/2, Forward Rock, 1/4, Step 1/2 pivot, Replace, 1/2, Forward
1 2 &Step R forward, replace onto L, turn ½ right then step R forward (&)
3 4 &Step L forward, replace onto R, turn ¼ left then step L together (&)
5 6Step R forward, pivot ½ left
7 & 8Replace onto R, turn ½ left then step L forward, step R forward [12.00]
[17 – 24] Step 1/4, Forward Rock, 1/2, 1/4, Sweep 1/4, Behind, Side, Cross and Cross, 1/4, Full Spin
1 & 2Step L forward, pivot ¼ right, Step L forward
3 & 4Replace onto R, turn ½ left then step L forward, turn ¼ left then step R
& 5 &Turn ¼ left sweeping L out to side (&), step L behind R, step R to right (&)
6 & 7Step L over R, step R to right (&), step L over R
8 &Turn ¼ right then step R forward, Step L forward and spin 360 degrees right [6.00]
[25 – 32] Forward Rock, 1/2, forward, Side Rock, Cross, 1/2 drag, Side drag, Forward Tog
1 2 & 3Step R forward, replace onto L, turn ½ right then step R forward (&), Step L forward
4 & 5Step R on R45, replace onto L (&), step R across left (these travel forward)
6 7Turn ½ left on R dragging L into a low hitch, step L to left dragging R into a low hitch
8 &Step R forward, step L together (&) [6.00]
[33 – 40] Back, Sweep, Back, Sweep, Behind, Side, Angle, 1/2, 3/8, Behind, Side, Forward, Hitch
1 & 2 &## Step R back, sweep L out to side (&), step L back, sweep R out to side (&) ##
3 & 4Step R behind L, step L to left (&) step R forward onto left diagonal [4.30]
5 6Pivot ½ left, turn 3/8 left then step R to right
7 & 8 &Step L behind R, Step R to right (&), Step L forward, hitch R beside L [6.00]
Walls 2 & 4 (back) dance to count 34 & ## - restart to front for wall 3 and 5
Wall 5 (front) dance to count 34 ## - then add the following 4 steps then restart to back:
1 & 2 &Step R back, step L together (&), Step R forward, step L together (&)
Dance finishes on wall 7, turn counts 21 & 22 left to finish to the front
Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email: luolsen@bigpond.net.au
Stephen Paterson: Mob: 0438 695 494 - Email: steve.cowboy@bigpond.com