Intermediate - Non-Country
Side Rock Right, Side Rock Left, Right Side Rock, Touch Forward, Right Side Rock, Touch Forward
1,2&3,4Rock R to right side, recover on L, step R next to L, rock L to left side, recover on R
&5&6,7&8Step L next to right, rock R to right side, recover on L, touch R front, rock R to right side, recover on L, touch R to front
Right Sweep, Weave Right to Left, Weave Left to Right, ¼ Turn Counter Clockwise
1,2&3,4&Sweep R from front to back around right side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, cross R in front of L, press L to left side, recover on R
5&6,7,8Cross L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R, step R to right side and pivot ¼ turn counter clockwise(9 o’clock), recover L forward
Restart Here in the 4th Wall after 16 counts(facing 6 o’clock)
Step, Hold, Ball, Step, Touch, Coaster Step, Kick Ball Change
1,2&3,4Step R forward, hold, step L next to right, step R forward, touch L next to right
5&6,7&8Step L back, step R back, step L forward, kick R forward, recover on ball of R, step L next to right
Step, Kick, Coaster Step, ½ Pivot Turn Counter Clockwisetep, Full Turn(two ½ pivots)
1&2,3,4Step R forward, kick L forward, step L back, step right back, step L forward
5,6,7,8Step R forward, pivot ½ turn counter clockwise, recover on L(3 o’clock), pivot ½ turn counter clockwise recovering on to R, pivot another ½ turn counter clockwise recovering on L,(the last two ½ turns can be done more as one smooth full turn stepping R then L(3 o’clock)
Thank you for Line Dancing with Lynn
Contact - Lynncard28@gmail.com - 612.865.4481
Last Update - 21st Feb 2014
1,2&3,4Rock R to right side, recover on L, step R next to L, rock L to left side, recover on R
&5&6,7&8Step L next to right, rock R to right side, recover on L, touch R front, rock R to right side, recover on L, touch R to front
Right Sweep, Weave Right to Left, Weave Left to Right, ¼ Turn Counter Clockwise
1,2&3,4&Sweep R from front to back around right side, cross R behind L, step L to left side, cross R in front of L, press L to left side, recover on R
5&6,7,8Cross L behind R, step R to right side, cross L over R, step R to right side and pivot ¼ turn counter clockwise(9 o’clock), recover L forward
Restart Here in the 4th Wall after 16 counts(facing 6 o’clock)
Step, Hold, Ball, Step, Touch, Coaster Step, Kick Ball Change
1,2&3,4Step R forward, hold, step L next to right, step R forward, touch L next to right
5&6,7&8Step L back, step R back, step L forward, kick R forward, recover on ball of R, step L next to right
Step, Kick, Coaster Step, ½ Pivot Turn Counter Clockwisetep, Full Turn(two ½ pivots)
1&2,3,4Step R forward, kick L forward, step L back, step right back, step L forward
5,6,7,8Step R forward, pivot ½ turn counter clockwise, recover on L(3 o’clock), pivot ½ turn counter clockwise recovering on to R, pivot another ½ turn counter clockwise recovering on L,(the last two ½ turns can be done more as one smooth full turn stepping R then L(3 o’clock)
Thank you for Line Dancing with Lynn
Contact - Lynncard28@gmail.com - 612.865.4481
Last Update - 21st Feb 2014