CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Hello My Name Is

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Daniel Whittaker (UK) & Mike Hitchen (UK) - January 2014
Blonde - Bridgit Mendler : (Album: Hello my name is - iTunes)
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NOTE: There is 1 x Tag and 1 x hold during wall 2 and 5 both facing 3:00 wall.

You start on 16 count intro .. (anti clockwise direction)
If you have any problems getting hold of the music, or any questions about the dance please feel free to contact me or Mike and we will try to help.

[1-8] 2 x switch steps, heel hook, coaster step, toe, heel, cross
1&2&Touch right heel forward, step right beside left, and touch left heel forward, step left beside right [12:00]
3&4Touch right heel forward, hook right heel to left shin, touch right heel forward
5&6Step right foot back, close left beside right, step right foot forward
7&8Touch your left toe to right instep, touch left heel to right instep, cross left over right [12:00]

[9-16] Quick rock recover, behind ¼ turn, step ½ turn, full turn shuffle forward
1&2-3Rock right to right side, recover weight on to left, step right behind left, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward [09:00]
4&5Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left, step right foot forward [03:00]
6Make ½ turn right stepping left foot back [09:00]
7&8Make ½ turn right triple step right, left, right (keep weight pressed forward on right foot) [03:00]

[17-24] Back sweep x 2, sailor ¼ turn, step ½ turn, kick & point
&1Step left foot back, sweep right toe out to right side [03:00]
&2Step right foot back, sweep left toe out to side
3&4Step left behind right, step right slightly to right side, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot forward [12:00]
5&6Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left, step right foot forward [06:00]
7&8Kick left foot forward, step left beside right, touch right to right side [06:00]

[25-32] Behind & cross, rock & cross, quick weave right, rock & touch
1&2Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left [06:00]
3&4Rock left to left side, recover weight on to right, step left over right
5&6&Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right
7&8Rock right to right side, recover weight on to left, touch right beside left [06:00]
**Both Tag 1 and Tag 2 go here on 3:00 wall **

[33-40] Walk forward right, left, mambo step forward, sailor ½ turn left, AND walk forward left right
1-2Walk forward right, left [06:00]
3&4Rock forward right foot, recover weight on to left, step right foot slightly back
5&6Step left foot behind right (06:00), close right beside left and make ¼ turn left (03:00), make a further ¼ turn left and stepping left foot slightly forward (12:00) [12:00]
&7-8Step right beside left on the AND count, walk forward left, right [12:00]

[41-48] Mambo step forward, heel jack, side rock, sailer ¼ turn left
1&2Rock left foot forward, recover weight on to right foot, step left foot slightly back [12:00]
&3&4Step right slightly back towards right diagonal, touch left heel towards left diagonal, step left in place, cross right over left
5-6Rock left out to left side, recover weight on to right
7&8Step left foot behind right foot, step right foot slightly to right side, make ¼ turn left stepping left foot slightly forward [09:00]

END OF DANCE.. Happy dancing

TAG 1: (this happens during wall 2, facing 3:00 wall after count 32)
1&2Step right foot forward (03:00), make ½ turn left, step right foot forward [09:00]
3&4Step left foot forward (09:00), make ½ turn right, step left foot forward [03:00]
Note: Once you complete tag, start the dance from the beginning

TAG 2: (this is simply a 2 count hold during wall 5, facing 3:00 wall after 32 counts)

Contact: - - Mobile: 07739 352209

4 評論

Tiptoes January 1, 2014
??Nice one,????

marief January 2, 2014
Wow! Brilliant!

bjb January 8, 2014
Gets better the more you do it.

Littlebuck January 9, 2014
Good little dance

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