Restart: Restart on 2nd wall after 32 counts (facing 12:00). Skip the ball (step) and just walk fw L R
Intro: 4 counts (app. 2 sec. Into track) 4 counts (app. 2 sec. Into track)
[1-8] Ball walk walk, Step ½ R, Ball cross ¼ R, Point behind ¼ L
&1-2Step R next to L, walk L, walk R 12:00
3-4Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R 06:00
&5Step L next to R, turn ¼ R crossing R over L 09:00
6-7Point L to L side, point L behind R (prep body slightly R) 09:00
8Turn ¼ L stepping L fw 06:00
[9-16] Out out, ¼ R, ½ sweep R, Ball walk walk, Extended lock step
1-2Step R out (turning body slightly R), step L out (turning body slightly L) 06:00
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping R fw, sweep half turn R keeping weight on R 03:00
&5-6Step L next to R, walk R, walk L 03:00
7&8&1Step R fw, lock L behind R, step R fw, lock L behind R, rock R fw 03:00
[17-24] Recover, Back slide, Ball cross, Side rock, Sailor ¼ L
2Recover back onto L 03:00
3-4Step R a big step back, slide L towards R 03:00
&5Step L next to R, cross R over L 03:00
6-7Rock L to L side, recover onto R 03:00
8&1Turn ¼ L crossing L behind R, step R a small step to R side, step L fw (prep body L) 12:00
[25-32] Full turn R, Coaster, Heel bounces ½ L
2-3Turn ½ R stepping R fw, turn ½ R stepping L back 12:00
4&5Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw 12:00
6-8Lifting both heels off floor bounce ½ L ending with weight back on R 06:00
[33-40] Step back touch x3, Coaster, Step ¼ R cross
&1&2Step L back, touch R fw bending R knee, step R back, touch L fw, bending L knee 06:00
&3Step L back, touch R fw bending R knee 06:00
4&5Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw 06:00
6-8Step L fw, turn ¼ R stepping onto R, cross rock L over R 09:00
[41-48] Sweep back x3, Behind side cross, Side rock ¼ R, Collect
1-2Recover onto R sweeping L from front to back, step L back sweeping R from front to back 09:00
3Step R back sweeping L from front to back 09:00
4&5Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R 09:00
6-8Rock R to R side, recover onto L turning ¼ R, step R next to L 12:00
[49-56] Shoulder Rocks, Ball step ½ L, step ¼ L
1-2Rock L fw while popping L shoulder up, recover back onto R while popping R shoulder up 12:00
3-4Rock L fw while popping L shoulder up, recover back onto R while popping R shoulder up 12:00
&5-6Step L next to R, step R fw, turn ½ L rolling hip CCW 06:00
7-8Step R fw, turn ¼ L while rolling hips CCW 03:00
[57-64] Rock fw, ½ R, Step ½ R, ¼ R point, Hip bumps x3
1-2Rock R fw, recover onto L 03:00
3Turn ½ R stepping R fw 09:00
4&5Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R, turn ¼ R pointing L to L side 06:00
6-8Step down on L bumping hips to L side, bump hips R, bump hips L 06:00
Ending: On wall 7 – dance up to count 59. Do a step ¼ R and step L out (counts 4&5)
Good luck & enjoy!
Contact: jannietofte@gmail.com
Intro: 4 counts (app. 2 sec. Into track) 4 counts (app. 2 sec. Into track)
[1-8] Ball walk walk, Step ½ R, Ball cross ¼ R, Point behind ¼ L
&1-2Step R next to L, walk L, walk R 12:00
3-4Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R 06:00
&5Step L next to R, turn ¼ R crossing R over L 09:00
6-7Point L to L side, point L behind R (prep body slightly R) 09:00
8Turn ¼ L stepping L fw 06:00
[9-16] Out out, ¼ R, ½ sweep R, Ball walk walk, Extended lock step
1-2Step R out (turning body slightly R), step L out (turning body slightly L) 06:00
3-4Turn ¼ R stepping R fw, sweep half turn R keeping weight on R 03:00
&5-6Step L next to R, walk R, walk L 03:00
7&8&1Step R fw, lock L behind R, step R fw, lock L behind R, rock R fw 03:00
[17-24] Recover, Back slide, Ball cross, Side rock, Sailor ¼ L
2Recover back onto L 03:00
3-4Step R a big step back, slide L towards R 03:00
&5Step L next to R, cross R over L 03:00
6-7Rock L to L side, recover onto R 03:00
8&1Turn ¼ L crossing L behind R, step R a small step to R side, step L fw (prep body L) 12:00
[25-32] Full turn R, Coaster, Heel bounces ½ L
2-3Turn ½ R stepping R fw, turn ½ R stepping L back 12:00
4&5Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw 12:00
6-8Lifting both heels off floor bounce ½ L ending with weight back on R 06:00
[33-40] Step back touch x3, Coaster, Step ¼ R cross
&1&2Step L back, touch R fw bending R knee, step R back, touch L fw, bending L knee 06:00
&3Step L back, touch R fw bending R knee 06:00
4&5Step R back, step L next to R, step R fw 06:00
6-8Step L fw, turn ¼ R stepping onto R, cross rock L over R 09:00
[41-48] Sweep back x3, Behind side cross, Side rock ¼ R, Collect
1-2Recover onto R sweeping L from front to back, step L back sweeping R from front to back 09:00
3Step R back sweeping L from front to back 09:00
4&5Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R 09:00
6-8Rock R to R side, recover onto L turning ¼ R, step R next to L 12:00
[49-56] Shoulder Rocks, Ball step ½ L, step ¼ L
1-2Rock L fw while popping L shoulder up, recover back onto R while popping R shoulder up 12:00
3-4Rock L fw while popping L shoulder up, recover back onto R while popping R shoulder up 12:00
&5-6Step L next to R, step R fw, turn ½ L rolling hip CCW 06:00
7-8Step R fw, turn ¼ L while rolling hips CCW 03:00
[57-64] Rock fw, ½ R, Step ½ R, ¼ R point, Hip bumps x3
1-2Rock R fw, recover onto L 03:00
3Turn ½ R stepping R fw 09:00
4&5Step L fw, turn ½ R stepping onto R, turn ¼ R pointing L to L side 06:00
6-8Step down on L bumping hips to L side, bump hips R, bump hips L 06:00
Ending: On wall 7 – dance up to count 59. Do a step ¼ R and step L out (counts 4&5)
Good luck & enjoy!
Contact: jannietofte@gmail.com