Phrased Partner
Begins on 1,2,3, 5 and then start
Section A - 32 counts
[1-8] Grapevine R, Kick L & Clap, Vine L, Kick R & Clap
1-4Step R, cross behind L, Step R, Kick L & Clap
5-8Step L, cross behind R, step L, Kick R & Clap
[9-16] Grapevine R, Kick L & Clap, Vine L, Kick R & Clap
1-4Step R, cross behind L, Step R, Kick L & Clap
5-8Step L, cross behind R, step L, Kick R & Clap
[17-24] Step Kicks & Clap
1-4Step R, Kick L, Step L, Kick R
5-8Step R, Kick L, Step L, Kick R
[25-32] Grapevine R, Kick L & Clap, Vine L, Kick R & Clap
1-4Step R, cross behind L, Step R, Kick L & Clap
5-8Step L, cross behind R, Step L, Kick R & Clap
Section B : 32 counts - SWING Your Partner (music: “I’ll be Swinging Home for Christmas”)
Swing Pattern: 2 people lock arms together and circle
1-8Swing your partner (R arms hooked) 4 Shuffles, R, L, R, L in a circle.
1-8Reverse –same partner (L arms hooked) 4 Shuffles R, L, R, L in a circle.
Side Shuffle, Rock Recovery (no partner) 2 Times
1&2Step to the R side, L together, Step R to side
3-4Rock back on L, step weight on R
5&6Step to the L side, R together, Step L to side
7&8Rock back on R, step weight on L
Repeat 1-8 Side Shuffle Rock
Repeat : Dance 4 Times
Ending: Repeat Section B – 2 Times (this is swinging your partner)
Section A counts 1-24
For Fun: Have them swing a different partner each time.
Contact: bholcomb3@triad.rr.com
Section A - 32 counts
[1-8] Grapevine R, Kick L & Clap, Vine L, Kick R & Clap
1-4Step R, cross behind L, Step R, Kick L & Clap
5-8Step L, cross behind R, step L, Kick R & Clap
[9-16] Grapevine R, Kick L & Clap, Vine L, Kick R & Clap
1-4Step R, cross behind L, Step R, Kick L & Clap
5-8Step L, cross behind R, step L, Kick R & Clap
[17-24] Step Kicks & Clap
1-4Step R, Kick L, Step L, Kick R
5-8Step R, Kick L, Step L, Kick R
[25-32] Grapevine R, Kick L & Clap, Vine L, Kick R & Clap
1-4Step R, cross behind L, Step R, Kick L & Clap
5-8Step L, cross behind R, Step L, Kick R & Clap
Section B : 32 counts - SWING Your Partner (music: “I’ll be Swinging Home for Christmas”)
Swing Pattern: 2 people lock arms together and circle
1-8Swing your partner (R arms hooked) 4 Shuffles, R, L, R, L in a circle.
1-8Reverse –same partner (L arms hooked) 4 Shuffles R, L, R, L in a circle.
Side Shuffle, Rock Recovery (no partner) 2 Times
1&2Step to the R side, L together, Step R to side
3-4Rock back on L, step weight on R
5&6Step to the L side, R together, Step L to side
7&8Rock back on R, step weight on L
Repeat 1-8 Side Shuffle Rock
Repeat : Dance 4 Times
Ending: Repeat Section B – 2 Times (this is swinging your partner)
Section A counts 1-24
For Fun: Have them swing a different partner each time.
Contact: bholcomb3@triad.rr.com