CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Nocturnal Stroll (P)

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Intermediate Partner
Greg Van Zilen (USA) & Samantha Van Zilen (USA) - September 2011
Step Off - Kacey Musgraves
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Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction

Starting position: Single hand hold man’s right to ladies left facing LOD

32 count intro. Mirror footwork.

Alt. music: You and Tequila by Kenny Chesney featuring Grace Potter 32 count intro, or any medium two-step.

Diagonal step, touch, diagonal step, touch, locking shuffle forward, brush (repeat starting with opposite foot)
1-4Man: Step R foot diagonally forward; touch L foot next to R; step L foot diagonally forward; touch R foot next to L.
Lady: Step L foot diagonally forward; touch R foot next to L; step R foot diagonally forward; touch L foot next to R.
5-8Man: Step right foot forward; lock left foot behind right; step right foot forward; brush left foot forward.
Lady: Step left foot forward; lock right foot behind left; step left foot forward; brush right foot forward.
9-12Man: Step L foot diagonally forward; touch R foot next to L; step R foot diagonally forward; touch L foot next to R.
Lady: Step R foot diagonally forward; touch L foot next to R; step L foot diagonally forward; touch R foot next to L.
13-16Man: Step left foot forward; lock right foot behind left; step left foot forward; brush right foot forward.
Lady: Step right foot forward; lock left foot behind right; step right foot forward; brush left foot forward.

¼ turn, touch, ¼ turn, touch, ¼ turn, step down, cross, side, together, cross, side rock, turn, step forward
17-20Man: ¼ turn L stepping R foot to side; touch L foot next to R; ¼ turn L stepping L foot forward; touch R foot next to L.
Lady: ¼ turn R stepping L foot to side; touch R foot next to L; ¼ turn R stepping R foot forward; touch L foot Next to R.
21-24Man: ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side; shift weight onto left foot; cross right foot over left; hold.
Lady: ¼ turn right stepping left foot to side; shift weight onto right foot; cross left foot over right; hold.
25-28Man: Step left foot to side; step right foot next to left; cross left foot over right; hold.
Lady: Step right foot to side; step left foot next to right; cross right foot over left; hold.
29-32Man: Step right foot to side; replace weight onto left foot making ¼ turn left; step right foot forward; hold.
Lady: Step left foot to side; replace weight onto right foot making ¼ turn right; step left foot forward; hold.
Release hands on count 9. Join in two hand hold on count 12. Release man’s left and ladies right on count 16.
(Facing direction, 9 facing apart, 10 facing RLOD, 11 facing partner, &16 facing LOD)

Heel strut, heel strut, locking shuffle forward (repeat starting with opposite foot)
33-36Man: Touch left heel forward; step down; touch right heel forward; step down.
Lady: Touch right heel forward; step down; touch left heel forward; step down.
37-40Man: Step left foot forward; lock right foot behind left; step left foot forward; hold.
Lady: Step right foot forward; lock left foot behind right; step right foot forward; hold.
42-44Man: Touch right heel forward; step down; touch left heel forward; step down.
Lady: Touch left heel forward; step down; touch right heel forward; step down.
45-48Man: Step right foot forward; lock left foot behind right; step right foot forward; hold.
Lady: Step left foot forward; lock right foot behind left; step left foot forward; hold.

¼ turn sway, sway, ¼ turn, step forward, ½ turn progressing forward, ½ turn progressing forward, locking shuffle forward
49-52Man: ¼ turn right stepping left foot to side and swaying hips; hold; sway hips right; hold.
Lady: ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side and swaying hips; hold; sway hips left; hold.
53-56Man: ¼ turn left shifting weight onto left foot; hold; step right foot forward; hold.
Lady: ¼ turn right shifting weight onto right foot; hold; step left foot forward; hold.
57-60Man: Pivot ½ turn right stepping left foot back; hold; pivot ½ turn right stepping right foot forward; hold.
Lady: Pivot ½ turn left stepping right foot back; hold; pivot ½ turn left stepping left foot forward; hold.
61-64Man: Step left foot forward; lock right foot behind left; step left foot forward; hold.
Lady: Step right foot forward; lock left foot behind right; step right foot forward; hold.
Join in two hand hold on count 25. Release man’s left and ladies right on count 28. Release hands on count 29 and rejoin single hand hold on 31.
(Facing direction = 25 facing partner, 27 facing LOD, 29 facing RLOD, 30 facing LOD)

Contact: Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849 -

*Step description revised 2/28/14

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