Intermediate - Fun
Phrasing: 32 Tag 56, 32 Tag 56, 56, 32 Tag 56, 24
Start dance after 4x8's.
Set 1: Diagonal Step Lock, diagonal shuffle, Diagonal Step Lock, diagonal shuffle Facing
1-2Step LF diagonal L fwd, Lock RF behind LF 10:30
3&4Step LF diagonal L fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF diagonal L fwd 10:30
5-6Step RF diagonal R fwd, Lock LF behind RF 1:30
7&8Step RF diagonal R fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF diagonal R fwd 1:30
Set 2: Rock Recover, ½L fwd shuffle, R Diag Fwd touch, L Diag Fwd touch
1-2Rock LF fwd, Recover on RF 12:00
3&4½L stepping LF fwd, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd (or execute a L full turn) 6:00
5-8Big Step RF diag fwd, Touch LF next to RF, Big Step LF diag fwd, Touch RF next to LF 6:00
Set 3: Merengue to the R, Left Chasse, Back Rock
1-4Step RF to R, Step LF next to RF, Step RF to R, Touch LF next to RF (Cuban hips) 6:00
5&6Step LF to L, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to L 6:00
7-8Rock RF back, recover on LF 6:00
Set 4: 4 Paddle 1/8L turns with hip rolls
1-2Step RF fwd, 1/8L shifting weight on LF and roll hip anti clockwise 4:30
3-8Repeat 1-2 (3x) 12:00
**Do the TAG here on walls 1, 3 and 6, then Restart the dance
Set 5: Cross Side, R sailor fwd, Forward hold
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L 12:00
3&4Step RF behind LF, Step LF next to RF, Step RF fwd 12:00
5-8Step LF fwd, hold for 3 counts (raise both arms from sides) 12:00
Set 6: Rock Recover, R Coaster, L Point Cross, R Point Cross
1-2Rock RF fwd, Recover on LF 12:00
3&4Step RF back, step LF next to RF, Step RF fwd 12:00
5-8Point LF to L, Cross LF over RF, Point RF to R, Cross RF over LF 12:00
Set 7: L Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, R Side Rock Cross
1-2Rock LF to L, Recover on RF 12:00
3&4Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Cross LF over RF 12:00
5-6Rock RF to R, Recover on LF 12:00
7-8Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L, Cross RF over LF 12:00
(Options: On walls 2 and 5, counts 5-8, do Side rock cross hold instead to fit the music)
Set A: L Weave, Point (hip drop), R weave, Point (hip drop)
1-3&4Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, Step RF behind LF, Point LF to L and raise hip, drop hip 12:00
5-7&8Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R, Step LF behind RF, Point RF to R and raise hip, drop hip 12:00
(Options: You can simply just point on counts 4 & 8 if you find it hard to do the hips!)
Set B: Step R, Shimmy, Step L, Shimmy, Jazz box clap
1-2Step RF to R (Shimmy shoulders over 2 counts) 12:00
3-4Step LF to LF (Shimmy shoulders over 2 counts) 12:00
5-8Cross RF over LF, Step LF back, Step RF to R, Touch LF next to RF with a clap 12:00
(Ending: On count 5-8 of set 2, step RF fwd, ½L pivot turn, Step RF fwd facing 12:00)
Start dance after 4x8's.
Set 1: Diagonal Step Lock, diagonal shuffle, Diagonal Step Lock, diagonal shuffle Facing
1-2Step LF diagonal L fwd, Lock RF behind LF 10:30
3&4Step LF diagonal L fwd, Lock RF behind LF, Step LF diagonal L fwd 10:30
5-6Step RF diagonal R fwd, Lock LF behind RF 1:30
7&8Step RF diagonal R fwd, Lock LF behind RF, Step RF diagonal R fwd 1:30
Set 2: Rock Recover, ½L fwd shuffle, R Diag Fwd touch, L Diag Fwd touch
1-2Rock LF fwd, Recover on RF 12:00
3&4½L stepping LF fwd, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd (or execute a L full turn) 6:00
5-8Big Step RF diag fwd, Touch LF next to RF, Big Step LF diag fwd, Touch RF next to LF 6:00
Set 3: Merengue to the R, Left Chasse, Back Rock
1-4Step RF to R, Step LF next to RF, Step RF to R, Touch LF next to RF (Cuban hips) 6:00
5&6Step LF to L, Step RF next to LF, Step LF to L 6:00
7-8Rock RF back, recover on LF 6:00
Set 4: 4 Paddle 1/8L turns with hip rolls
1-2Step RF fwd, 1/8L shifting weight on LF and roll hip anti clockwise 4:30
3-8Repeat 1-2 (3x) 12:00
**Do the TAG here on walls 1, 3 and 6, then Restart the dance
Set 5: Cross Side, R sailor fwd, Forward hold
1-2Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L 12:00
3&4Step RF behind LF, Step LF next to RF, Step RF fwd 12:00
5-8Step LF fwd, hold for 3 counts (raise both arms from sides) 12:00
Set 6: Rock Recover, R Coaster, L Point Cross, R Point Cross
1-2Rock RF fwd, Recover on LF 12:00
3&4Step RF back, step LF next to RF, Step RF fwd 12:00
5-8Point LF to L, Cross LF over RF, Point RF to R, Cross RF over LF 12:00
Set 7: L Side Rock, Behind Side Cross, R Side Rock Cross
1-2Rock LF to L, Recover on RF 12:00
3&4Step LF behind RF, Step RF to R, Cross LF over RF 12:00
5-6Rock RF to R, Recover on LF 12:00
7-8Step RF behind LF, Step LF to L, Cross RF over LF 12:00
(Options: On walls 2 and 5, counts 5-8, do Side rock cross hold instead to fit the music)
Set A: L Weave, Point (hip drop), R weave, Point (hip drop)
1-3&4Cross RF over LF, Step LF to L, Step RF behind LF, Point LF to L and raise hip, drop hip 12:00
5-7&8Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R, Step LF behind RF, Point RF to R and raise hip, drop hip 12:00
(Options: You can simply just point on counts 4 & 8 if you find it hard to do the hips!)
Set B: Step R, Shimmy, Step L, Shimmy, Jazz box clap
1-2Step RF to R (Shimmy shoulders over 2 counts) 12:00
3-4Step LF to LF (Shimmy shoulders over 2 counts) 12:00
5-8Cross RF over LF, Step LF back, Step RF to R, Touch LF next to RF with a clap 12:00
(Ending: On count 5-8 of set 2, step RF fwd, ½L pivot turn, Step RF fwd facing 12:00)