CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Entre Larmes & Sourires

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Improver / Intermediate
Lyne Camerlain (CAN) - October 2013
Entre larmes et sourires - Frank Michael
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Intro: 32 counts

Part 1 (walk, walk, samba step)
1-2-3-&-4left forward / right forward / left forward / right rock to side / left recover
5-6-7-&-8right forward / left forward / right forward / left rock to side / right recover

Part 2 (basic samba step, then square turn to left)
1-&-2-3-&-4left forward / right together / left on place / right back / left together / right on place
5-6-7-8left forward / right 1/4 left turn to side / left 1/4 left turn to side / right together

Parts 3 & 4
Repeat part 1 and part 2 facing the back wall.

Part 5 (2 half-box forward, rock recover, shuffle half turn to left)
1-&-2-3-&-4left forward / right to side / left together / right forward / left to side / right together
5-6-7-&8left rock forward / right recover / left 1/4 left turn to side / right together / left 1/4 left turn stepping forward

Part 6 (2 half-box, rock recover, shuffle half turn to right)
Repeat part 5 starting with the right feet, half turn shuffle to the right)

Part 7 (rock to side, recover, triple steps left and right side)
1-2-3-&-4left rock to side / right recover / left together / right on place / left on place
5-6-7-&-8right rock to side / left recover / right together / left on place / right on place

Partie 8 (full left turn samba)
1-&-2-3-&-4left forward / right 1/4 left turn to side / left together / right back / left 1/4 left turn to side / right together
5-&-6-7-&-8left forward / right 1/4 left turn to side / left together / right back / left 1/4 left turn to side / right together

Start again

Ending : after the part 1 then repeat the counts 1-4 twice, pointing left to side.


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