[1-8] Stomp, Hold, Step, Coaster step, Back, Kick, Behind side Cross
1-2&Stomp fwd Rt, Hold, Close Lt to Rt,
3&4Step Fwd Rt, Close Lt to Rt, Step Back Rt
5,6Step Back Lt, Kick Rt out to Rt side
7&8Step Rt Behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt over Lt
[9-16] Rock Step, Behind, Side, Cross, Sway, Sway , Sway & Touch
1,2Rock side Lt, Replace Rt
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
5,6Step Rt to Rt swaying hips to Rt, Sway hips to Lt
7&8Sway Hips to Rt, Close Lt to Rt and touch Rt out to Rt.
(Restart Here on wall 5 and wall 10)
[17-24] Cross, Side, Sailor Step, Cross, Turn, Chasse
1-2Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt
3&4Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt
5-6Cross Lt over Rt, Rt to Rt making ¼ turn Lt
7&8Step Lt to Lt making 1/4 turn Lt, Close Rt to Lt, Step Lt to Lt.
[25-32] Cross, Side, Behind, Point, Cross, Turn, Back, Flick
1,2Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt
3,4Cross Rt Behind Lt, Point Lt toe out to Lt
5,6Cross Lt over Rt, Step side on Rt making ¼ turn Lt
7,8Step Back Lt, Flick Rt foot back.
Contact - Email: marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk
1-2&Stomp fwd Rt, Hold, Close Lt to Rt,
3&4Step Fwd Rt, Close Lt to Rt, Step Back Rt
5,6Step Back Lt, Kick Rt out to Rt side
7&8Step Rt Behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt over Lt
[9-16] Rock Step, Behind, Side, Cross, Sway, Sway , Sway & Touch
1,2Rock side Lt, Replace Rt
3&4Step Lt behind Rt, Step Rt to Rt, Cross Lt over Rt
5,6Step Rt to Rt swaying hips to Rt, Sway hips to Lt
7&8Sway Hips to Rt, Close Lt to Rt and touch Rt out to Rt.
(Restart Here on wall 5 and wall 10)
[17-24] Cross, Side, Sailor Step, Cross, Turn, Chasse
1-2Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt
3&4Step Rt behind Lt, Step Lt to Lt, Step Rt to Rt
5-6Cross Lt over Rt, Rt to Rt making ¼ turn Lt
7&8Step Lt to Lt making 1/4 turn Lt, Close Rt to Lt, Step Lt to Lt.
[25-32] Cross, Side, Behind, Point, Cross, Turn, Back, Flick
1,2Cross Rt over Lt, Step Lt to Lt
3,4Cross Rt Behind Lt, Point Lt toe out to Lt
5,6Cross Lt over Rt, Step side on Rt making ¼ turn Lt
7,8Step Back Lt, Flick Rt foot back.
Contact - Email: marksfurnell@yahoo.co.uk