Beginner NC
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, Rock forward right, ½ turn, full turn right
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right foot and recover on left
7 &Make a ½ turn step over right shoulder, ½ turn Step back on left
8 &½ turn step forward on right, step forward on left
Option on count & 8 & if you don’t want to, make a full turn. You can run forward on left right left
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, Rock forward right, ¼ turn right, Sway, Sway
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right foot and recover on left
7Make a ¼ turn step over right shoulder and Sway to right side
8 &Sway to left side, touch right toe beside left
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, wine ¼ turn swipe ¼ turn
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Step to right side, step left behind right
7 – 8 &Make a ¼ turn right Swipe left foot ¼ turn in front of right, hold
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, Rock forward right, ¼ turn right, Sway, Sway
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right foot and recover on left, make a ¼ turn step over right shoulder
7 – 8 &Sway to right side and Sway to left side, touch right toe beside left
Tag after walls 1 and 3 - 4 counts
1-4Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left
Tag after wall 2 - 8 counts
1-4Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left
5-8Rock forward Right, recover, ½ turn right, step
Contact: www.agnethe58hansen.dk
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right foot and recover on left
7 &Make a ½ turn step over right shoulder, ½ turn Step back on left
8 &½ turn step forward on right, step forward on left
Option on count & 8 & if you don’t want to, make a full turn. You can run forward on left right left
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, Rock forward right, ¼ turn right, Sway, Sway
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right foot and recover on left
7Make a ¼ turn step over right shoulder and Sway to right side
8 &Sway to left side, touch right toe beside left
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, wine ¼ turn swipe ¼ turn
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Step to right side, step left behind right
7 – 8 &Make a ¼ turn right Swipe left foot ¼ turn in front of right, hold
Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left, Rock forward right, ¼ turn right, Sway, Sway
1 – 2 &Long step to right side, close left behind right, cross right over left
3 – 4 &Long step to left side, close right behind left, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right foot and recover on left, make a ¼ turn step over right shoulder
7 – 8 &Sway to right side and Sway to left side, touch right toe beside left
Tag after walls 1 and 3 - 4 counts
1-4Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left
Tag after wall 2 - 8 counts
1-4Nightclub basic right, Nightclub basic left
5-8Rock forward Right, recover, ½ turn right, step
Contact: www.agnethe58hansen.dk