OR: Another Sad Love Song - Toni Braxton. Platinum & Gold Collection. [3.50 - iTunes - 96 bpm]
Intro. : 64 counts [40 sec.], Start on main vocals.
Optional 40 count pre-dance:
Start on “minor” vocals at 24 counts [14 sec.]
Step, Point, Step Point, Behind, Point, Behind Point, Step, Pivot ½ left, Step, Pivot ½ left, Rocking chair
1,2,3,4Step R across L, Point L to left side, Step L across R, Point R to right side,
5,6,7,8Cross R behind L, Point L to left side, Cross L behind R, Point R to right side
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, Pivot ½ left, Step R fwd, Pivot ½ left,
5,6,7,8Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Rock R back, Recover L fwd
Repeat adding:
Step, Point, Step Point, Behind, Point, Behind Point
1,2,3,4Step R across L, Point L to left side, Step L across R, Point R to right side,
5,6,7,8Cross R behind L, Point L to left side, Cross L behind R, Point R to right side
#1: Right cross lock cross, Left cross lock cross, Fwd, Side ¼ left, Cross, Back ¼ right, Side ¼ right, Fwd
1&2Hitch R and step across L, Lock L behind R, Step R across L,
[Angling body to left diagonal]
3&4Hitch L and step across R, Lock R behind L, Step L across R,
[Angling body to right diagonal]
5,6Step R fwd, Step L to left side making a ¼ pivot turn left, [9.00]
7&Step R across L, Step L back making a ¼ turn right [12.00],
8&Step R to right side making a ¼ turn right, Step L fwd [3.00]
#2: Cross, Hold, Lift heels, Drop right, Lift heels, Drop centre, Side, Touch, Chasse ¼ left
1,2Step R across L, Hold,
&3Lift both heels, Drop to right,
&4Lift both heels, Drop to centre [weight to L],
5,6Step R to right diagonal, Touch L to R,
7&8Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left [12.00]
#3: Diagonal: Step, Point, Back, Point, Hold, Back lock back right, Back lock back left,
1,2Step R to right diagonal, Point L across R,
&3,4Step L back, Point R back, Hold,
5&6Step R back, Step L across R, Step R back,
7&8Step L back, Step R across L, Step L back
[Keeping on diagonal counts 1-8 opening body to sides]
#4: Side, Behind, Shuffle ¼ right, Step, Fwd ½ right, Back ½ right, Back R, L
1,2Step R to right side to face 12.00, Cross L behind R, [12.00]
3&4Shuffle ¼ right stepping R, L, R, [3.00]
5,6Step L fwd, Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, [9.00]
&7,8Step L back making a ½ turn right, Walk back R, L
#5: Back, Point, Step, Point, Step, Point, Sailor step, Sailor ¼ right
1,2Step R back, Point L to left side,
&3Step L next to R, Point R to right side,
&4Step R next to L, Point L to left side,
5&6Cross L behind R, Rock R to right side, Recover L to left side,
7&8Cross R behind L making a ¼ turn right, Rock L to left side, Recover R to right side [6.00]
Restart here during wall 2, facing 12.00 touching R to L on count 8
#6: Fwd, Side, Together, Back, Side, Together, Fwd ¼ left, Side, Together, Fwd R, L
1Step L fwd,
2&3Step R to right side, Step L next to R, Step R back,
4&5Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left, [3.00]
6&Step R to right side, Step L next to R,
7,8Step R fwd, Step L fwd [3.00]
#7: Fwd, Pivot ¼ left, Cross shuffle, Back ¼ right, Fwd ½ right, Shuffle ¼ right
1,2Step R fwd, Step L to left side making a ¼ turn left [12.00],
3&4Step R across L, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
5,6Step L back making a ¼ turn right [3.00], Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, [9.00]
7&8Step L to left side making a ¼ turn right [12.00], Step R next to L, Step L to left side [12.00]
#8: Heel, Step, Toe, Step, Heel, Step, Fwd, Step, Pivot ½ left, Back ½ left and turn ½ left, Step
1&2Touch R heel fwd, Step R next to L, Touch L toe behind R,
&3&4Step L next to R, Touch R heel fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd,
5,6Step R fwd, Step L fwd making a pivot turn ½ left, [6.00]
7,8Step R back ½ left and make ½ turn left on ball of R hooking L across R ankle, Step L fwd [6.00]
Restart: after sec. 5, during wall 2 [facing 12.00] touching R to L on count 8
Tag: added at end of wall 4 [facing 12.00]:
1,2Rock R fwd, Recover back onto L,
&3,4Step R next to L, Step L step back, Touch R next to L
Contact email-LinedanceInTheStrand@gmail.com
Last Revision - 29th Aug 2013
Intro. : 64 counts [40 sec.], Start on main vocals.
Optional 40 count pre-dance:
Start on “minor” vocals at 24 counts [14 sec.]
Step, Point, Step Point, Behind, Point, Behind Point, Step, Pivot ½ left, Step, Pivot ½ left, Rocking chair
1,2,3,4Step R across L, Point L to left side, Step L across R, Point R to right side,
5,6,7,8Cross R behind L, Point L to left side, Cross L behind R, Point R to right side
1,2,3,4Step R fwd, Pivot ½ left, Step R fwd, Pivot ½ left,
5,6,7,8Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Rock R back, Recover L fwd
Repeat adding:
Step, Point, Step Point, Behind, Point, Behind Point
1,2,3,4Step R across L, Point L to left side, Step L across R, Point R to right side,
5,6,7,8Cross R behind L, Point L to left side, Cross L behind R, Point R to right side
#1: Right cross lock cross, Left cross lock cross, Fwd, Side ¼ left, Cross, Back ¼ right, Side ¼ right, Fwd
1&2Hitch R and step across L, Lock L behind R, Step R across L,
[Angling body to left diagonal]
3&4Hitch L and step across R, Lock R behind L, Step L across R,
[Angling body to right diagonal]
5,6Step R fwd, Step L to left side making a ¼ pivot turn left, [9.00]
7&Step R across L, Step L back making a ¼ turn right [12.00],
8&Step R to right side making a ¼ turn right, Step L fwd [3.00]
#2: Cross, Hold, Lift heels, Drop right, Lift heels, Drop centre, Side, Touch, Chasse ¼ left
1,2Step R across L, Hold,
&3Lift both heels, Drop to right,
&4Lift both heels, Drop to centre [weight to L],
5,6Step R to right diagonal, Touch L to R,
7&8Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left [12.00]
#3: Diagonal: Step, Point, Back, Point, Hold, Back lock back right, Back lock back left,
1,2Step R to right diagonal, Point L across R,
&3,4Step L back, Point R back, Hold,
5&6Step R back, Step L across R, Step R back,
7&8Step L back, Step R across L, Step L back
[Keeping on diagonal counts 1-8 opening body to sides]
#4: Side, Behind, Shuffle ¼ right, Step, Fwd ½ right, Back ½ right, Back R, L
1,2Step R to right side to face 12.00, Cross L behind R, [12.00]
3&4Shuffle ¼ right stepping R, L, R, [3.00]
5,6Step L fwd, Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, [9.00]
&7,8Step L back making a ½ turn right, Walk back R, L
#5: Back, Point, Step, Point, Step, Point, Sailor step, Sailor ¼ right
1,2Step R back, Point L to left side,
&3Step L next to R, Point R to right side,
&4Step R next to L, Point L to left side,
5&6Cross L behind R, Rock R to right side, Recover L to left side,
7&8Cross R behind L making a ¼ turn right, Rock L to left side, Recover R to right side [6.00]
Restart here during wall 2, facing 12.00 touching R to L on count 8
#6: Fwd, Side, Together, Back, Side, Together, Fwd ¼ left, Side, Together, Fwd R, L
1Step L fwd,
2&3Step R to right side, Step L next to R, Step R back,
4&5Step L to left side, Step R next to L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left, [3.00]
6&Step R to right side, Step L next to R,
7,8Step R fwd, Step L fwd [3.00]
#7: Fwd, Pivot ¼ left, Cross shuffle, Back ¼ right, Fwd ½ right, Shuffle ¼ right
1,2Step R fwd, Step L to left side making a ¼ turn left [12.00],
3&4Step R across L, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
5,6Step L back making a ¼ turn right [3.00], Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, [9.00]
7&8Step L to left side making a ¼ turn right [12.00], Step R next to L, Step L to left side [12.00]
#8: Heel, Step, Toe, Step, Heel, Step, Fwd, Step, Pivot ½ left, Back ½ left and turn ½ left, Step
1&2Touch R heel fwd, Step R next to L, Touch L toe behind R,
&3&4Step L next to R, Touch R heel fwd, Step R next to L, Step L fwd,
5,6Step R fwd, Step L fwd making a pivot turn ½ left, [6.00]
7,8Step R back ½ left and make ½ turn left on ball of R hooking L across R ankle, Step L fwd [6.00]
Restart: after sec. 5, during wall 2 [facing 12.00] touching R to L on count 8
Tag: added at end of wall 4 [facing 12.00]:
1,2Rock R fwd, Recover back onto L,
&3,4Step R next to L, Step L step back, Touch R next to L
Contact email-LinedanceInTheStrand@gmail.com
Last Revision - 29th Aug 2013