Cross, Unwind, Cross, Unwind, Kick ball cross, Kick ball cross
1, 2Cross R over L, Unwind ½ to left (6:00)
3, 4Cross L over R, Unwind ½ to right (12:00)
5&6Kick R forward and to right, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
7&8Kick R forward and to right, Step R next to L, Cross L over R (12:00)
Pivot turn, Weave with turn, Rock, Recover
9, 10Step R to right, ¼ pivot left taking weight onto L (9:00)
11, 12¼ turn left and step R to side (6:00), Cross L behind R
13, 14¼ turn right and step R forward (9:00), ½ turn right and step L back (3:00)
15, 16¼ turn right and rock back on R (6:00), Recover to L
Broken Rocking Chair, Turn, Cross behind, Step back, Heel, Step back, Step forward
17, 18¼ turn left and rock forward on R (3:00), Recover to L
19, 20¼ turn right and rock back on R (6:00), Recover to L
21, 22¼ turn left and step R to side (3:00), ¼ turn left and step L back (12:00)
&23& 24Step R together, Touch L heel forward, step L together (12:00), Step R forward
Scuff, Hitch, Coaster Step, Scuff, Hitch across, Kick ball cross
25, 26Scuff L forward, Hitch L knee up
27&28Step L back, Step R together, Step L forward
29, 30Scuff R forward, Cross hitch R over L
31&32Kick R forward and to right, Step R together, Cross L over R
Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Step back, 1 ½ turn back
&33, 34Kick R foot behind, Stomp R down and slightly apart from L, Hold
&35, 36Kick L foot behind, Stomp L down and slightly apart from R, Hold
37, 38Step R back, ½ turn left and step L forward (6:00)
39, 40½ turn left and step R back, ½ turn left and step L forward (6:00)
Rock, Recover, Sailor Step, Cross behind, Step, Cross behind, Heel, Step together,
41, 42Rock R forward, Recover to L
43&44Cross R behind L, Step L together, Step R to right
45, 46Cross L behind R, Step R to right
47&48&Cross L behind R, Step R together, Touch L heel forward, Step L together
Restart2: Walls 2 and 5 – Restart after 32 counts (After crossing L over R, start the dance again by crossing R over L!)
Tag/restart: During wall 8 (after the first 16 counts), Christina hits a high note and runs with it for eight counts!
Do two jazz boxes (Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R back, Cross L over R, Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R back, Cross L over R) and then Restart.
Contact: metzgersf@yahoo.com
1, 2Cross R over L, Unwind ½ to left (6:00)
3, 4Cross L over R, Unwind ½ to right (12:00)
5&6Kick R forward and to right, Step R next to L, Cross L over R
7&8Kick R forward and to right, Step R next to L, Cross L over R (12:00)
Pivot turn, Weave with turn, Rock, Recover
9, 10Step R to right, ¼ pivot left taking weight onto L (9:00)
11, 12¼ turn left and step R to side (6:00), Cross L behind R
13, 14¼ turn right and step R forward (9:00), ½ turn right and step L back (3:00)
15, 16¼ turn right and rock back on R (6:00), Recover to L
Broken Rocking Chair, Turn, Cross behind, Step back, Heel, Step back, Step forward
17, 18¼ turn left and rock forward on R (3:00), Recover to L
19, 20¼ turn right and rock back on R (6:00), Recover to L
21, 22¼ turn left and step R to side (3:00), ¼ turn left and step L back (12:00)
&23& 24Step R together, Touch L heel forward, step L together (12:00), Step R forward
Scuff, Hitch, Coaster Step, Scuff, Hitch across, Kick ball cross
25, 26Scuff L forward, Hitch L knee up
27&28Step L back, Step R together, Step L forward
29, 30Scuff R forward, Cross hitch R over L
31&32Kick R forward and to right, Step R together, Cross L over R
Stomp, Hold, Stomp, Hold, Step back, 1 ½ turn back
&33, 34Kick R foot behind, Stomp R down and slightly apart from L, Hold
&35, 36Kick L foot behind, Stomp L down and slightly apart from R, Hold
37, 38Step R back, ½ turn left and step L forward (6:00)
39, 40½ turn left and step R back, ½ turn left and step L forward (6:00)
Rock, Recover, Sailor Step, Cross behind, Step, Cross behind, Heel, Step together,
41, 42Rock R forward, Recover to L
43&44Cross R behind L, Step L together, Step R to right
45, 46Cross L behind R, Step R to right
47&48&Cross L behind R, Step R together, Touch L heel forward, Step L together
Restart2: Walls 2 and 5 – Restart after 32 counts (After crossing L over R, start the dance again by crossing R over L!)
Tag/restart: During wall 8 (after the first 16 counts), Christina hits a high note and runs with it for eight counts!
Do two jazz boxes (Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R back, Cross L over R, Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R back, Cross L over R) and then Restart.
Contact: metzgersf@yahoo.com