Intermediate - waltz
12 count intro – Start on Vocals (Clockwise)
[1 – 6] R Twinkle, Cross, Side, Behind
1, 2, 3(Right Twinkle fwd) Cross R over L, Step L to Left, Step R to Right,
4, 5, 6Cross L over R, Step R to Right, Step L behind R,
[7 – 12] ¼ turn fwd, ½ turn tog, Tog, L Coaster
1, 2, 3¼ Right turn & step R fwd, Continue ½ Right turn on R foot & step L beside R, Step R tog,
4, 5, 6(Left Coaster) Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd ** [9.00]
[13 - 24] Sweep over, Back, Tog, L Lock fwd, Sweep over, Back, Tog, L Lock fwd,
1, 2, 3Quick Sweep R over L, Step L back, Step R tog
4, 5, 6(Left lock fwd) Step L fwd, Step R behind L, Step L fwd
1, 2, 3Quick Sweep R over L, Step L back, Step R tog
4, 5, 6(Left lock fwd) Step L fwd, Step R behind L, Step L fwd [9.00]
[25 – 30] Fwd, In place, ½ R turn fwd, Fwd, In place, ¼ L turn fwd,
1, 2, 3Step R fwd, Step L in place, ½ Right turn & step R fwd, [3.00]
4, 5, 6Step L fwd, Step R in place, ¼ Left turn & step L fwd, [12.00]
[31 – 36] Fwd, ½ L pivot, Fwd, Full R turn fwd
1, 2, 3Step R fwd, ½ Left pivot turn, Step R fwd [6.00]
4, 5, 6Full Right turn fwd, L, R, L
[37 – 42] Back R diag, Cross, Back, L Coaster cross
1, 2, 3Step R back at Right diag, Cross L over R, Step R back
4, 5, 6(Left Coaster Cross) Step L back, Step R beside L, Cross L over R ## [6.00]
[43 – 48] Side, Replace, Cross, ¼ turn step back, ½ R turn step fwd, Fwd
1, 2, 3Step R to Right, Replace onto L, Cross R over L,
4, 5, 6¼ Right turn & step L back, ½ Right turn & step R fwd, Step L fwd [3.00]
Start again
RESTART: Wall 5 (12.00) dance to count 42## …..start again at 6.00
Ending (Wall 8) Dance to count 12 ** and add following to finish to the front:
1, 2, 3Sweep R over L, Step L back, ¼ Right turn and step R to Right,
4, 5-6Step L fwd, Drag R towards L (2 counts)
Contact - Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h) - Mob: 0438 735 122 - email: luolsen@bigpond.net.au
[1 – 6] R Twinkle, Cross, Side, Behind
1, 2, 3(Right Twinkle fwd) Cross R over L, Step L to Left, Step R to Right,
4, 5, 6Cross L over R, Step R to Right, Step L behind R,
[7 – 12] ¼ turn fwd, ½ turn tog, Tog, L Coaster
1, 2, 3¼ Right turn & step R fwd, Continue ½ Right turn on R foot & step L beside R, Step R tog,
4, 5, 6(Left Coaster) Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L fwd ** [9.00]
[13 - 24] Sweep over, Back, Tog, L Lock fwd, Sweep over, Back, Tog, L Lock fwd,
1, 2, 3Quick Sweep R over L, Step L back, Step R tog
4, 5, 6(Left lock fwd) Step L fwd, Step R behind L, Step L fwd
1, 2, 3Quick Sweep R over L, Step L back, Step R tog
4, 5, 6(Left lock fwd) Step L fwd, Step R behind L, Step L fwd [9.00]
[25 – 30] Fwd, In place, ½ R turn fwd, Fwd, In place, ¼ L turn fwd,
1, 2, 3Step R fwd, Step L in place, ½ Right turn & step R fwd, [3.00]
4, 5, 6Step L fwd, Step R in place, ¼ Left turn & step L fwd, [12.00]
[31 – 36] Fwd, ½ L pivot, Fwd, Full R turn fwd
1, 2, 3Step R fwd, ½ Left pivot turn, Step R fwd [6.00]
4, 5, 6Full Right turn fwd, L, R, L
[37 – 42] Back R diag, Cross, Back, L Coaster cross
1, 2, 3Step R back at Right diag, Cross L over R, Step R back
4, 5, 6(Left Coaster Cross) Step L back, Step R beside L, Cross L over R ## [6.00]
[43 – 48] Side, Replace, Cross, ¼ turn step back, ½ R turn step fwd, Fwd
1, 2, 3Step R to Right, Replace onto L, Cross R over L,
4, 5, 6¼ Right turn & step L back, ½ Right turn & step R fwd, Step L fwd [3.00]
Start again
RESTART: Wall 5 (12.00) dance to count 42## …..start again at 6.00
Ending (Wall 8) Dance to count 12 ** and add following to finish to the front:
1, 2, 3Sweep R over L, Step L back, ¼ Right turn and step R to Right,
4, 5-6Step L fwd, Drag R towards L (2 counts)
Contact - Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h) - Mob: 0438 735 122 - email: luolsen@bigpond.net.au