CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Improver
Jonathan Williamson (UK) - January 2013
22 - Taylor Swift : (Album: Red)
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Intro: Count 8 from beginning of track (4 seconds)

Walk, Walk, Forward Shuffle, Touch Front, Side, Sailor ¼ Turn
1-2Walk forward right, left
3&4Step forward right, step left besides right, step forward right
5-6Point left toe forward, point left toe to the left side
7&8¼ turn left stepping left behind right, step right to right side, step forward left

Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, Rock, Recover, Behind ¼ Step
1-2Rock right to right side, recover weight back on left
3&4Step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left
5-6Rock left to left side, recover weight back on right
7&8Step left behind right, ¼ turn right stepping forward right, step forward left
Restart here walls 4 and 10

Hip Bumps, Hip Bumps, Forward Rock Recover, Shuffle ½ Turn
1-2Step right toe diagonally forward (whilst bumping right hip forward), push weight down on right heel (whilst bumping right hip forward)
3-4Step left toe diagonally forward (whilst bumping left hip forward), push weight down on left heel (whilst bumping left hip forward)
5-6Rock forward right, recover weight back on left
7&8½ turn right stepping forward right, step left besides right, step forward right

½ Turn x 2, Forward Shuffle, Kick Ball Point x 2
1-2½ turn right stepping back left, ½ turn right stepping forward right
(alternatively just walk forward left, right)
3&4Step forward left, step right besides left, step forward left
5&6Kick right forward, step right besides left, point left to left side
7&8Kick left forward, step left besides right, point right to right side


There are 2 restarts;
First Restart after step 16 on wall 4
Second Restart after step 16 on wall 10

Have fun and give it attitude.

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