CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Pumped Up Kicks

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Phrased Intermediate
Nicky Tan (MY) - February 2012
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People
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Dance starts after the first 8 counts - Sequence : AAAA BB AA BB AA BBBB

Section 1 : Vine Right, Vine Left , ¼ Turn
1-4Step R to side, Step L behind R, step R to side, touch L together
5-8Step L to side, Step R behind L, Turn ¼ L and step L forward, Scuff R [9:00]

Section 2 : Forward Touch, Back Touch, Toe Switches Back
1-4Step R forward, Touch L toe together, Step L back, Touch R toe together
&5&6Step R back, touch L toe forward, Step L back, touch R toe forward
&7&8Step R back, touch L toe forward, Step L back, touch R toe forward

Section 3 : Rock Back, Recover, Step, ½ Turn, Kick, Step, Knee Swivel 2x
1-2Rock R back, Recover on L
3-4Step R forward, Turn ½ L stepping L beside R [3:00]
5-6Kick R forward, Step R beside L
&7&8Swivel both knees apart, Close knees together, Swivel both knees apart, Close knees together

Section 4 : ¼ Turn Rock, Recover, Cross Point 2x, Behind Side, ¼ Turn , Scuff
1-2Turn ¼ R and Rock R to side, Recover on L [12:00]
3-4Cross R over L, Touch L toe to side
5-6Cross L over R, Touch R toe to side
7&8Step R behind L, Turn ¼ L and step L to L, Scuff R beside L [9:00]

Section 5 : Press Step, Press Step, Point Hitch
1-2Press ball of R to side, step R beside L
3-4Press ball of L to side, step L beside R
5-6Point R to side, Hitch R knee up
7&8Point R to side, Hitch R knee up, Point R to side

Section 6 : R Sailor Step, ¼ L Sailor Step, ¼ Turn Paddle Twice
1&2Step R behind left, step L beside R, step R to side
3&4Turn ¼ L step L behind right, step R beside L, step L to side
5-8Step R forward, Turn ¼ L, Step R forward, turn ¼ L

Section 7 : Right & Left Forward Diagonal Lock Steps
1-2Step R forward to R diagonal , lock L behind R
3&4Step R forward to R diagonal, lock L behind R, step R forward to R diagonal
5-6Step L forward to L diagonal, lock R behind L
7&8Step L forward to L diagonal, lock R behind L, Step L forward to L diagonal

Section 8 : Jazz Box Cross, Step Touch Diagonally Back
1-4Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to side, Cross L over R
5-6Step R diagonally back to R, Touch L toe beside R
7-8Step L diagonally back to L, Touch R toe beside L


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