CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Noche De Placer (Night of Pleasure)

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Sebastiaan Holtland (NL) - August 2012
Start dancing after the vocals (17 sec).

[1-8] Heel grinds Fwd, Steps, Mambo Step R, Mambo Step L.
1-2Heel grind with Rt (toe in), swivel Rt toe out step Lt forward.
3-4Heel grind with Rt (toe in), swivel Rt toe out step Lt forward.
5&6Mambo Rt forward, recover on Lt, step Rt slightly back.
7&8Mambo Lt back, recover on Rt, step Lt slightly forward.

[9-16] ½ Pivot L, ¼ Pivot L, R Jazz Box ¼ R, Step.
1-2Step Rt forward, turn ½ left (6) taking weight onto Lt.
3-4Step Rt forward, turn ¼ left (3) taking weight onto Lt.
5-6Cross Rt over Lt, turn ¼ right (6) step Lt back.
7-8Step Rt to the right, step Lt forward.

[17-24] R Dorothy Step, Side Rock, Recover, L Dorothy Step ¼ L, Side Rock, Recover.
1,2&Step Rt diagonal forward, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt diagonal forward.
3-4Rock Lt to the left, recover on Rt.
5,6&Turn ¼ left (3) step Lt diagonal forward, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt diagonal forward.
7-8Rock Rt to the right, recover on Lt.

[25-32] R Dorothy Step, L Dorothy Step ¼ L, Pivot ½ L, ½ L, Back, ¼ L, Side.
1,2&Step Rt diagonal forward, lock Lt behind Rt, step Rt diagonal forward.
3,4&Turn ¼ left (12) step Lt diagonal forward, lock Rt behind Lt, step Lt diagonal forward.
5-6Step Rt forward, turn ½ left (6) take weight onto Lt.
7-8Turn ½ left (12) step Rt back, turn ¼ left (9) step Lt to the left.

[33-40] Heel Grind Across, Behind, Heel Flick, Heel Grind Across ¼ L, Back, Hook R.
1-2Heel grind across with Rt (toe in), swivel Rt toe out step Lt to the left.
3-4Step Rt behind Lt, flick L heel up.
5-6Heel grind across with Lt (toe in), swivel Lt toe out turn ¼ left (6) step Rt back.
7-8Step Lt back, Rf hook up across Lf.

[41-48] Step, Together, ¼ L, Side, Touch, Step, Together, Step, Touch.
1-3Step Rt forward, step Lt next to Rt, turn ¼ left (3) step Rt to the right.
4Touch Lt next to Rt.
5-7Step Lt forward, step Rt next to Lt, step Lt forward.
8Touch Rt next to Lt.

[49-56] R Side Jump, Hold, L Side Jump, Hold, Side, Together, Side, Touch.
&1-2Small jump to the right, touch Lt together, Hold.
&3-4Small jump to the left, touch Rt together, Hold.
5-6Step Rf to the right, step Lt next to Rt.
7-8Step Rt to the right, touch Lt next to Rt.

[57-64] ¼ L, Step Fwd, ½ L, Back, Back, R Knee Lift, ¼ L, Side, Touch, Side, Touch.
1-2Turn ¼ Left (12) step Lt forward, turn ½ left (6) step Rt back.
3-4Step Lt back, lift R knee up.
5-6Turn ¼ left (3) step Rt to the right, touch Lt next to Rt.
7-8Step Lt to the left, touch Rt next to Lt.

Start again and have fun!


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