CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Going Up!

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Ann-Kristin Sandberg (NOR) - July 2012
Up - The Saturdays : (iTunes)
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Start dancing after 56 c on lyrics “go go go”.

Prissy walk-rock-recover-1/4 turn-chasse
1-2Cross right foot slightly in front of left, cross left foot slightly in front of right
3-4Cross right foot slightly in front of left, cross left foot slightly in front of right
( Walk forward and move your hands in elbow-height from side to side R,L,R,L)
5-6Rock right foot forward, recover onto left
7&8Turn ¼ to right stepping right foot to right side, left beside right, right to right side

Cross-1/4 turn-chasse-kick-touch toe
1-2Cross left over right, step back on right
3&4Turn ¼ to left stepping left foot to left side, right beside left, step left foot to left side
5&6Kick right foot forward, step right next to left, kick left foot forward
&7&8Step left next to right, touch right toe out to right side, right next to left, touch left toe out to Left side

Step-big step-heels up-heels down-rock-recover
&1-2Step left beside right, big step forw on right foot, left beside right
&3&4Both heels up, both heels down, both heels up, both heels down
5-6Rock left foot forw, recover onto right
7-8Rock left foot back, recover onto right

¼ turn-step-cross-step-cross-rock-recover
1-2¼ turn right stepping left foot to left side, touch right toe in front of left
3-4Step right foot back, cross left toe in front of right
5-6Step left foot back, cross right toe in front of left
7-8Rock back on right foot, recover onto left
(Swing arms to right, left, right on counts 2, 4, 6)

RESTART ON WALL 10…dance the first 16 counts and start again on &1.( 03.00)


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