32 Count intro
Walk fwd kick left, walk back touch right
1-4Walk fwd right, left, right, kick left
5-8Walk back left, right, left, touch right beside left
Grapevine right, side touch x2, (option side touches, do body rolls right and left)
1-4Step right to right side, left behind right, right to right side, touch left beside right,
5-8Step left to side, touch right beside left, step right to side, touch left beside right,
Grapevine left, side touch, side scuff
1-4Step left to left side, right behind left, left to left side, touch right beside left,
5-8Step right to side, touch left beside right, step left to left side, scuff right foot fwd
Right jazz box ¼ turn right, paddle ¼ x2
1-4Cross right over left, step back on left ¼ turn right, step right to right side, step fwd on left,
5-8Step fwd on right paddle ¼ turn left, step fwd on right paddle ¼ turn left, (swivel hips as you’re going round,)
Have fun with it
Wall 9: - Wiggles Sec: 1, 2, 3 Wiggle As Much As You Can While Doing The Dance
Walk fwd kick left, walk back touch right
1-4Walk fwd right, left, right, kick left
5-8Walk back left, right, left, touch right beside left
Grapevine right, side touch x2, (option side touches, do body rolls right and left)
1-4Step right to right side, left behind right, right to right side, touch left beside right,
5-8Step left to side, touch right beside left, step right to side, touch left beside right,
Grapevine left, side touch, side scuff
1-4Step left to left side, right behind left, left to left side, touch right beside left,
5-8Step right to side, touch left beside right, step left to left side, scuff right foot fwd
Right jazz box ¼ turn right, paddle ¼ x2
1-4Cross right over left, step back on left ¼ turn right, step right to right side, step fwd on left,
5-8Step fwd on right paddle ¼ turn left, step fwd on right paddle ¼ turn left, (swivel hips as you’re going round,)
Have fun with it
Wall 9: - Wiggles Sec: 1, 2, 3 Wiggle As Much As You Can While Doing The Dance