64 count intro when lyrics starts ( to end at the front wall at end of song) - No tags or Restarts.
Special Thanks to Wash board playing Bob for suggesting the music.
Heel hook, heel flick, walk,walk step ½ , hook
1-4Touch right heel forward, hook right in front of left, touch right heel forward, flick right heel back.
5-8Walk forward, right, left, step right forward, turn ½ turn to left, hook left foot in front of right.
Lock steps forward, heel hook, heel flick
1-4Step left foot forward, lock right behind left , step left forward, brush right foot.
5-8Touch right heel forward, hook right in front of left, touch right heel forward, flick right heel back.
Step slide forward right, step slide forward left
1-4Step right forward at right angle, slide left beside right, step right forward, touch left beside right.
5-8Step left forward at left angle ,slide right beside left, step left forward, touch right beside left.
Back Steps , no weight stomp Right, left , right, left. All with Attitude Angle swing steps.
1-4Step back on right , stomp left beside right ( no weight change) step back on left, stomp right beside left,
(no weight change stomp).
5-8Repeat steps 1-4.
Repeat….Have fun
Dance from the Heart with JOY.
Contact: gkwdance@gmail.com
Special Thanks to Wash board playing Bob for suggesting the music.
Heel hook, heel flick, walk,walk step ½ , hook
1-4Touch right heel forward, hook right in front of left, touch right heel forward, flick right heel back.
5-8Walk forward, right, left, step right forward, turn ½ turn to left, hook left foot in front of right.
Lock steps forward, heel hook, heel flick
1-4Step left foot forward, lock right behind left , step left forward, brush right foot.
5-8Touch right heel forward, hook right in front of left, touch right heel forward, flick right heel back.
Step slide forward right, step slide forward left
1-4Step right forward at right angle, slide left beside right, step right forward, touch left beside right.
5-8Step left forward at left angle ,slide right beside left, step left forward, touch right beside left.
Back Steps , no weight stomp Right, left , right, left. All with Attitude Angle swing steps.
1-4Step back on right , stomp left beside right ( no weight change) step back on left, stomp right beside left,
(no weight change stomp).
5-8Repeat steps 1-4.
Repeat….Have fun
Dance from the Heart with JOY.
Contact: gkwdance@gmail.com