Easy Intermediate
S1: Rock back, walk forward, right shuffle, rock forward
1,2Rock back onto right, recover onto left
3,4Walk forward right, walk forward left
5&6Right shuffle forward
7,8Rock forward onto left, recover onto right
S2: Shuffle ½ turn left, diagonal step, touch, step lock, step lock step
1&2Make ½ turn over left shoulder, shuffling left right left
3,4Step right foot diagonally forward right, touch left toe next to right (7:00)
5,6Step left foot diagonally forward left, lock right foot behind left
7&8Step left foot diagonally forward left, lock right foot behind left, step left foot diagonally forward (5:00)
S3: Cross rock, chasse right with ¼ turn, paddle turns x2
1,2Cross rock right foot over left, recover onto left
3&4Step right foot to right side, close left next to right, step right foot to right side making ¼ turn right (9:00)
5,6Push left toe out to left side making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot
7,8Push left toe out to left side making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot (3:00)
S4: Left kick ball touch, right coaster step, rock forward, half turn left, touch
1&2Kick left foot forward, step down on ball of left, touch right toe to right side
3&4Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward on right foot (3:00)
5,6Rock forward on to left foot, recover onto right 7,8 Make a ½ turn over left shoulder stepping forward on left foot, touch right toe next to left foot
End Of Dance
TAG: Danced at the end of walls 1, 2 and 4 ,
S1: Side rock recover and cross x2
1,2Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot
&3&4Step right foot beside left, cross left foot across right, clap, clap
5,6Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot
&7&8Step right foot beside left, cross left foot across right, clap, clap
S2: Rock, recover, behind side cross, point, jazz box
1,2Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot
3&4Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
5,6Touch left toe to left side, cross left foot across right
7,8Step back on right foot, step left foot to left side
Contact: hcwheatley@live.com - twitter@hayleywheatley
1,2Rock back onto right, recover onto left
3,4Walk forward right, walk forward left
5&6Right shuffle forward
7,8Rock forward onto left, recover onto right
S2: Shuffle ½ turn left, diagonal step, touch, step lock, step lock step
1&2Make ½ turn over left shoulder, shuffling left right left
3,4Step right foot diagonally forward right, touch left toe next to right (7:00)
5,6Step left foot diagonally forward left, lock right foot behind left
7&8Step left foot diagonally forward left, lock right foot behind left, step left foot diagonally forward (5:00)
S3: Cross rock, chasse right with ¼ turn, paddle turns x2
1,2Cross rock right foot over left, recover onto left
3&4Step right foot to right side, close left next to right, step right foot to right side making ¼ turn right (9:00)
5,6Push left toe out to left side making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot
7,8Push left toe out to left side making 1/4 turn right, recover weight onto right foot (3:00)
S4: Left kick ball touch, right coaster step, rock forward, half turn left, touch
1&2Kick left foot forward, step down on ball of left, touch right toe to right side
3&4Step back on right foot, step left foot next to right, step forward on right foot (3:00)
5,6Rock forward on to left foot, recover onto right 7,8 Make a ½ turn over left shoulder stepping forward on left foot, touch right toe next to left foot
End Of Dance
TAG: Danced at the end of walls 1, 2 and 4 ,
S1: Side rock recover and cross x2
1,2Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot
&3&4Step right foot beside left, cross left foot across right, clap, clap
5,6Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot
&7&8Step right foot beside left, cross left foot across right, clap, clap
S2: Rock, recover, behind side cross, point, jazz box
1,2Rock right foot out to right side, recover weight onto left foot
3&4Step right foot behind left, step left foot to left side, cross right foot over left
5,6Touch left toe to left side, cross left foot across right
7,8Step back on right foot, step left foot to left side
Contact: hcwheatley@live.com - twitter@hayleywheatley