High Beginner
Dance Starts: When Rascal Flatts starts singing
[1-8] Rock L, Behind Side Cross, Rock R, Coaster, ¼ Turn Right
1-2Facing 12:00- Rock L on L recover on R 12:00
3&4L behind R, bring R beside L, cross L over R 12:00
5-6Rock R on R recover on L 12:00
7&8Coaster step with a ¼ to the right (weight ends on R) 3:00
[9-16] Step ½ turn, triple back on L with ½ turn, triple back on R, coaster Step
1-2Step out with L, pivot ½ turn (weight ends on R) 9:00
3&4Triple back on L with a ½ turn 3:00
5&6Triple back on R 3:00
7&8Coaster Step (weight ends on L) 3:00
[17-24] 3 Heel Switches, Back Toe, Scuff up, Stomp, Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn to the L
1&Touch R heel out, recover 3:00
2&Touch L heel out, recover 3:00
3&Touch Right heel out, recover 3:00
4Touch L toe Back 3:00
5-6Scuff L foot and firm stop (weight ends on L foot) 3:00
7Step out on R foot 3:00
8Pivot ¼ Turn Left (weight stays on L foot) 12:00
[25-32] Triple forward with R, Rock forward on L, Triple back with ½ turn, slow cross
1&2Triple forward on R foot 12:00
3-4Rock forward on L, recover 12:00
5&6Triple back on L with ½ turn L 6:00
7-8Kick out R and slow cross over L 6:00
Repeat until song ends
Tags/Restarts: No Tags/ No Restarts
Contact: Slerner1010@earthlink.net
[1-8] Rock L, Behind Side Cross, Rock R, Coaster, ¼ Turn Right
1-2Facing 12:00- Rock L on L recover on R 12:00
3&4L behind R, bring R beside L, cross L over R 12:00
5-6Rock R on R recover on L 12:00
7&8Coaster step with a ¼ to the right (weight ends on R) 3:00
[9-16] Step ½ turn, triple back on L with ½ turn, triple back on R, coaster Step
1-2Step out with L, pivot ½ turn (weight ends on R) 9:00
3&4Triple back on L with a ½ turn 3:00
5&6Triple back on R 3:00
7&8Coaster Step (weight ends on L) 3:00
[17-24] 3 Heel Switches, Back Toe, Scuff up, Stomp, Step forward on R, pivot ¼ turn to the L
1&Touch R heel out, recover 3:00
2&Touch L heel out, recover 3:00
3&Touch Right heel out, recover 3:00
4Touch L toe Back 3:00
5-6Scuff L foot and firm stop (weight ends on L foot) 3:00
7Step out on R foot 3:00
8Pivot ¼ Turn Left (weight stays on L foot) 12:00
[25-32] Triple forward with R, Rock forward on L, Triple back with ½ turn, slow cross
1&2Triple forward on R foot 12:00
3-4Rock forward on L, recover 12:00
5&6Triple back on L with ½ turn L 6:00
7-8Kick out R and slow cross over L 6:00
Repeat until song ends
Tags/Restarts: No Tags/ No Restarts
Contact: Slerner1010@earthlink.net