Phrased Improver
Sequence: A B A B A A B B A Part A 48 counts Part B 48 counts
Start on lyrics.
1-2right toe strut fwd
3-4left toe strut fwd
5-6rock fwd on right, recover on left
7-8½ turn right stepping fwd on right, hold
9-10left toe strut fwd
11-12right toe strut fwd
13-14step out on left, clap
15-16step out on right, clap
17-32repeat above 16 steps – starting on left foot
33-36step right behind left, left to side, cross right over left, hold
37-40left Monterey ½ turn left, touch right toes to side, hold
41-44step right behind left, left to side, cross right over left, hold
45-48left Monterey ½ turn left, touch right beside left
49-50step right to side, step left together
51-52step right to side, touch left beside right
53-54step left to side, step right together
55-56step left to side, ¼ turn left touch right beside left
57-58step right to side, touch left beside right
59-60step left to side, hitch right knee
61-64run back on right, left, right, hitch left knee
65-68left coaster step, hold
69-72step fwd on right twisting both heels, right, left, right, hold
(completing ¼ turn left with heel twists)
73-76twist heels left, twist toes left, twist heels left, hold
77-80back lock step on right, hook left over right
81-84fwd lock step on left, scuff right
85-88fwd lock step on right, scuff left
89-90cross toe strut left over right
91-92back toe strut on right
93-96left coaster step, scuff right
Start Again ….
Start on lyrics.
1-2right toe strut fwd
3-4left toe strut fwd
5-6rock fwd on right, recover on left
7-8½ turn right stepping fwd on right, hold
9-10left toe strut fwd
11-12right toe strut fwd
13-14step out on left, clap
15-16step out on right, clap
17-32repeat above 16 steps – starting on left foot
33-36step right behind left, left to side, cross right over left, hold
37-40left Monterey ½ turn left, touch right toes to side, hold
41-44step right behind left, left to side, cross right over left, hold
45-48left Monterey ½ turn left, touch right beside left
49-50step right to side, step left together
51-52step right to side, touch left beside right
53-54step left to side, step right together
55-56step left to side, ¼ turn left touch right beside left
57-58step right to side, touch left beside right
59-60step left to side, hitch right knee
61-64run back on right, left, right, hitch left knee
65-68left coaster step, hold
69-72step fwd on right twisting both heels, right, left, right, hold
(completing ¼ turn left with heel twists)
73-76twist heels left, twist toes left, twist heels left, hold
77-80back lock step on right, hook left over right
81-84fwd lock step on left, scuff right
85-88fwd lock step on right, scuff left
89-90cross toe strut left over right
91-92back toe strut on right
93-96left coaster step, scuff right
Start Again ….