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Walking on Broken Glass

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Victoria Rogers (CAN) - March 2012
Walking On Broken Glass - Annie Lennox : (CD: The Annie Lennox Collection)
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48 count intro,

Rock back-recover, 1/2 pivot turn to right, cross, 1/2 turn to left, drag
1-2rock back L, recover to R
3-4step fwd L, turn 1/4 right shifting weight onto R
5-6cross L over R, step on R turning 1/4 left
7-8make a wide L step to left side dragging R toward L (facing 9:00)

Cross, French cross, side rock, rolling turn with rock and cross
1-2cross R over L, hold
&3-4turning 1/4 right step ball of L to left side, step R across L (French cross), rock L out to left
5-6full rolling turn right stepping R, L
&7-8rock R out to right, recover L, cross R over L (facing 12:00)
Most times, this sequence coincides with the "signature" rhythm segment of the music, which is slightly off the beat.
When this occurs, counts 1 - 3 are intended to match the dominant rhythm, so the 'hold' on count '2' will be momentary and the ball-step on the '&' count will occur immediately after.
The easiest way to count this is "one-and-three-four..."

Turn 1/4, cross-rock fwd-recover, step around 3/4 to right, cross, unwind to left (do counts 3-6 in an arc, not "sharp" turns)
1-3turn 1/4 left stepping on L, cross-rock fwd on R, recover to L
4-5-6turn 1/2 right stepping R forward, step L to left side turning 1/4 to right, cross R in front of L bending knees slightly
7-8unwind 1/2 turn to left, shift weight to L (facing 12:00)

Broken glass steps, touch forward, rock back recover and step over with subtle body roll
1-2step fwd R, angling body slightly to right with down-up motion*
3-4step fwd L, angling body slightly to left with down-up motion
5-6touch R fwd, pull knee up moving R foot back
&7-8rock back on R, recover fwd to L, bring R foot up and through with slight body roll (as if stepping over broken glass)
*To do the 'broken glass steps' place foot in front with bent knee on the first count and apply weight as you straighten the knee and raise up slightly on the second count. Twist slightly toward the foot onto which you are stepping.

Walk forward, point-retract, unwind 3/4 right, 1/8 sweep-hitch turn
1-2step fwd R, step fwd L (these steps may be fairly big, as if you are "falling forward")
3-4point R toe forward softening knees, draw R toe back toward L and place R toe behind L foot
5-6slow unwind 3/4 turn right shifting weight onto R, hold (now facing 9:00)
7-8sweep L around from back to front and upward (7), hitching left knee inward (8), turning slightly right to face 10:30

Step, side rock recover, cross, spiral turn, ball-step, step fwd
1-2step L to L side toward 7:30 (still facing 10:30), hold
&3-4rock R to right side, recover to L, cross R over L
5-6step L to left side, 7/8 spiral turn right (squaring up to 6:00 wall)
&7-8ball step R-L moving forward, step fwd R
Most times, this sequence will coincide with the "signature" rhythm segment of the music, which is slightly off the beat. See note for second sequence.

Press fwd, recover, run back, cross turn
1-2-3press forward L, recover back R lifting weight up onto ball of foot, hold
&4-5-6run back L R L, hold
&7-8back on R turning 1/4 to left, step L turning 1/4 to left, step fwd on R (facing 12:00)

Broken glass steps, 1/2 pivot turn, rock fwd-recover
1-2L fwd 'broken glass step'
3-4R fwd 'broken glass step'
5-6step fwd L, pivot 1/2 right shifting weight to R (facing 6:00)
7-8rock fwd on L, recover to R (on 4th wall, stamp on counts 7-8 to match accentuated beat in music)
More challenging option for counts 7-8: use count 6 to prep for a turn to left, place L directly behind R making full turn to left (7), step R next to L (8)

12 count tag: occurs at end of 5th wall
1-2rock back L, recover to R
3-4L broken glass step
5-6R broken glass step
7-8step forward L, 1/2 pivot turn shifting weight to R
9-10repeat 1/2 pivot turn
11-12rock forward L, recover to R (now start dance again from beginning with rock back-recover)

Dance ends on 7th wall after count 16 as music fades (you will be facing the front wall)


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