CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Magic Love

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Higher Beginner
Jaszmine Tan (MY) - February 2012
Myat Hlae - Wine Si Khine Thein
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Start : 16 counts

SECTION 1 : R Hip bumps, L Hip bumps, R Rock, Cross shuffle
1 & 2Press R diagonally forward with R hip bump, recover stepping next to L
3 & 4Press L diagonally forward with L hip bump, recover stepping next to R
5 – 6Rock to R recover step on L
7 & 8Cross R over L, step L to L, cross R over L

SECTION 2 : Point Forward, Point L , 1 /4 Sailor L, Cross touch x 2
1 – 2Point L forward, point L to L side
3 & 4Step L behind right, make a ¼ turn left stepping R to R side, step L to L side (9)
5 – 6Cross R over L, touch L to L
7 – 8Cross L over R, touch R to R
** Restart : Wall 4, 7 after 16 counts **

SECTION 3 : Step Back, Touch, Step Forward, Touch
1 – 2Step R back, Touch L in front of R
3 – 4Step L forward, Touch R behind L
5 – 6Step R back, Touch L in front of R
7 – 8Step L forward, Touch R behind L

SECTION 4 : Mambo forward, backward, right, left
1 & 2Rock R forward recover on L step R next to L
3 & 4Rock L backward recover on R step L next to R
5 & 6Rock R to R side recover on L step R next to L
7 & 8Rock L to L side recover on R step L next to R

TAG 16 counts : End of Wall 1, 5
¼ L Paddle Turn x 4
1 – 8Weight on L , press R forward turning ¼ L on 2 counts x 4 times (making a full turn)

Touch R to R side, Criss cross hand movement, R upward with open arms
9 – 10Touch R to R side, Bend L knee slightly by moving both hands criss cross snake movement inward
11 – 12Criss cross both hands snake movement outward
13 – 16Criss cross both hands inward & open up , pull R leg in & lift up end with a side to side open arms

TAG 16 counts : End of Wall 9 x 2
~ Repeat the 16 counts Tag.
~ 2nd time doing the Tag : on count 1 – 8 Paddle turn L - 3/4 facing front wall and follow by count 9 -16 and end with a pose.

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