CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Brighter Than the Sun

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Karen Hannaford (NZ) - January 2012
Brighter Than the Sun - Colbie Caillat
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16 count intro, start on vocals

[1-8] Cross, side rock, cross, side rock, rock forward, recover, right lock back.
1,2&Cross R over left, rock L to left side, recover weight to R.
3,4&Cross L over right, rock R to right side, recover weight to L
5,6Rock fwd on R, recover weight to L
7&8Step R back, lock R in front of left, Step R back.

[9-16] 1/4L side rock, and side rock, cross, turn back ½, cross and heel.
1,2Turn ¼ left and rock L to left side, recover weight to R
&3&4Step L next to right, rock R to right side, recover weight to L, cross R over left.
5,6Turn ¼ right and step L back, turn ¼ right and step R to right side
7&8Cross L over right, step R beside left, touch L heel forward at 45 degrees

[17-24] Together, R rock fwd, together, L rock fwd, sweep, sailor step, hold.
&1,2Step L next to right, rock R forward, recover weight on L
&3,4Step R next to left, rock L forward, recover weight on R
5,Sweep L back taking weight on left,
6&7,8Step R behind left, step L to left side, step R to right side, hold

[25-32] Together, side, cross rock, ¼ shuffle, ½ pivot, walk.
&1,2,3Step L next to right, Step R to right side, cross L over right, recover weight to R
4Step L to left
[# Wall 6 restarts here- 3:00],
&5Step R next to L, turning ¼ left step L forward
6,7,8Step R forward, pivot ½ left taking weight on L, Step R forward.

[33-40] ¼ turn hips, cross unwind, coaster step, cross samba
1&2Turn ¼ right stepping L to left side bump hips left, right, left
3,4Cross R over left, unwind ½ left taking weight on R
5&6Step L back, step R beside left, step L forward.
7&8Cross R over left, step L to left side, step R to right side

[41-48] sailor ¼, Toe and heel, together, R fwd, ½ pivot, together, fwd, scuff
1,2&Turning ¼ left Cross L behind right, Step R to right side, step L to left side
3&4Tap R toe next to left foot with knee turned slightly in, step R next to left, touch L heel fwd at 45 degrees
&5,6,Step L next to right, Step R fwd, pivot ½ left taking weight on L
&7,8Step R next to left, step L fwd, scuff R fwd
[* Wall 3 restarts here – 6:00]

[49-56] ¼ turn hips, cross, unwind, coaster step, cross samba
1&2Turn ¼ left stepping R to right side and bump hips right, left, right
3,4Cross L over right, unwind ½ right taking weight on L
5&6Step R back, step L next to right, step R forward
7&8Cross L over right, step R to right side, step L to left side

[57-64] sailor ¼, toe and heel, together, L fwd, ½ pivot together, walk 2.
1,2&Turning ¼ right cross R behind left, Step L to left side, step R to right side
3&4Tap L toe next to right foot with knee turned slightly in, Step L next to right, touch R heel fwd at 45 degrees
&5,6Step R next to left, Step L fwd, pivot ½ right taking weight on R
&7,8Step L next to right, walk fwd R,L

TAG : At the end of walls 1 and 2 add the following 8 count tag, side rock, behind side cross X2
1,2,3&4Rock R to right side, recover weight to L, cross R behind left, step L to left side, Cross R over left
5,6,7&8Rock L to left side, recover weight to R, cross L behind right, step R to right side, cross L over right

On wall 3 dance up to count 48(*) and start again, now facing 6:00
On wall 6 dance up to count 28(#) turning to face the front and start again, now facing 12:00


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