Adapted from the partner dance “Make it Alright”
Start: after 32 counts ( just before vocal).
Step, slide, lock step x 2.
1-2step R to R side, slide L next to R.
3&4step fwd on R, lock L behind R, step fwd on R. ( to R diagonal)
5-6step L to L side, slide R next to L.
7&8step fwd on L, lock R behind L, step fwd on L. ( to L diagonal)
Rock, recover, shuffle x 2.
1-2rock fwd on R, recover on L. ( straighten up to 12.00)
3&4shuffle fwd RLR.
5-6rock fwd on L, recover on R.
7&8shuffle back LRL.
Cross rock behind, ¼ turn shuffle. Rock recover ¼ turn sideshuffle.
1-2Cross rock R behind L, recover on L.
3&4shuffle RLR turning ¼ R. (3.00)
5-6rock fwd on L, recover on R.
7&8turning ¼ L step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side. (12.00)
Step ¼, step ¼, shuffle, rock, recover, shuffle. (option: full turn , step).
1-2step fwd on R turning ¼ R, step back on L turning ¼ R.
3&4shuffle back RLR. (6.00)
5-6rock back on L, recover on R.
7&8shuffle fwd LRL.
(option: step fwd on L turning ½ R, turn ½ R stepping back on R, step fwd on L)
Start again. - No tags or restarts.
Contact: mick_harris@btconnect.com
Start: after 32 counts ( just before vocal).
Step, slide, lock step x 2.
1-2step R to R side, slide L next to R.
3&4step fwd on R, lock L behind R, step fwd on R. ( to R diagonal)
5-6step L to L side, slide R next to L.
7&8step fwd on L, lock R behind L, step fwd on L. ( to L diagonal)
Rock, recover, shuffle x 2.
1-2rock fwd on R, recover on L. ( straighten up to 12.00)
3&4shuffle fwd RLR.
5-6rock fwd on L, recover on R.
7&8shuffle back LRL.
Cross rock behind, ¼ turn shuffle. Rock recover ¼ turn sideshuffle.
1-2Cross rock R behind L, recover on L.
3&4shuffle RLR turning ¼ R. (3.00)
5-6rock fwd on L, recover on R.
7&8turning ¼ L step L to L side, step R next to L, step L to L side. (12.00)
Step ¼, step ¼, shuffle, rock, recover, shuffle. (option: full turn , step).
1-2step fwd on R turning ¼ R, step back on L turning ¼ R.
3&4shuffle back RLR. (6.00)
5-6rock back on L, recover on R.
7&8shuffle fwd LRL.
(option: step fwd on L turning ½ R, turn ½ R stepping back on R, step fwd on L)
Start again. - No tags or restarts.
Contact: mick_harris@btconnect.com