Start on vocals- after 27 seconds
Mambo forward, mambo back, mambo to right side, mambo to left side
1&2Rock forward on right, recover onto left, close right to left
3&4Rock back on left, recover onto right, close left to right
5&6Rock right to right, recover on left, close right to right
7&8Rock left to left, recover on right, close left to right
Side, together, chasse with ¼ turn right, step forward, ½ pivot right, lock step forward
1 – 2Step right to right, close left to right
3&4Step right to right, close left to right, turn ¼ right and step forward on right
5 – 6Step forward on left, ½ pivot right transferring weight to right
7&8Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left
Side, rock, cross, side, rock, cross, rock forward on right, recover, full triple right
1&2Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left
3&4Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right, recover onto left
7&8Turning full turn right – stepping right, left, right
Rock forward on left, recover on right, ¾ triple turn left, side, recover, cross shuffle
1-2Rock forward on left, recover on right
3&4Turning ¾ to left – step left, right, left
5 – 6Rock right to right, recover onto left
7&8Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
** Restart during wall 3 and 6 – close left to right (&) before you restart
Turn ¼ right stepping back on left, back on right, coaster step
1 – 2Turn ¼ right and step back on left, step back on right
3&4Step back on left, close right to left, step forward on left
**Restarts: after 32 counts during wall 3 (facing 6 0’clock) and wall 6 (facing 12 0’clock)
You need to close left to right (&) before you restart
The music slows down at the end of wall 7 - Dance steps....
1 – 8of section 1 to fit with the tempo of the music
9 - 16Gradually turn to front wall swaying hips right and left until the vocals start again then restart from the beginning of the dance facing 12 0’clock on the word “I”
End of music: finishes after the cross shuffle facing 12 0’clock – large step to left and hold
Mambo forward, mambo back, mambo to right side, mambo to left side
1&2Rock forward on right, recover onto left, close right to left
3&4Rock back on left, recover onto right, close left to right
5&6Rock right to right, recover on left, close right to right
7&8Rock left to left, recover on right, close left to right
Side, together, chasse with ¼ turn right, step forward, ½ pivot right, lock step forward
1 – 2Step right to right, close left to right
3&4Step right to right, close left to right, turn ¼ right and step forward on right
5 – 6Step forward on left, ½ pivot right transferring weight to right
7&8Step forward on left, lock right behind left, step forward on left
Side, rock, cross, side, rock, cross, rock forward on right, recover, full triple right
1&2Rock right to right, recover on left, cross right over left
3&4Rock left to left, recover on right, cross left over right
5 – 6Rock forward on right, recover onto left
7&8Turning full turn right – stepping right, left, right
Rock forward on left, recover on right, ¾ triple turn left, side, recover, cross shuffle
1-2Rock forward on left, recover on right
3&4Turning ¾ to left – step left, right, left
5 – 6Rock right to right, recover onto left
7&8Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
** Restart during wall 3 and 6 – close left to right (&) before you restart
Turn ¼ right stepping back on left, back on right, coaster step
1 – 2Turn ¼ right and step back on left, step back on right
3&4Step back on left, close right to left, step forward on left
**Restarts: after 32 counts during wall 3 (facing 6 0’clock) and wall 6 (facing 12 0’clock)
You need to close left to right (&) before you restart
The music slows down at the end of wall 7 - Dance steps....
1 – 8of section 1 to fit with the tempo of the music
9 - 16Gradually turn to front wall swaying hips right and left until the vocals start again then restart from the beginning of the dance facing 12 0’clock on the word “I”
End of music: finishes after the cross shuffle facing 12 0’clock – large step to left and hold