Start 32sec. 64 count on “from every corner”
Side step, hold, step, side step, hold, step, side rock, sailor ½ turn right
1r.v. step to the right side
&l.v. step next to r.v.
3r.v. step to the right side
&l.v. step next to l.v.
5r.v. side rock
6recover on left
7r.v. sailor ½ to the right
&l.v. next to r.v.
8r.v. step forward (6)
Cross, full unwind, step, point, Step, point, step ¼ , step ½ ,
1l.v. cross over r.v.
2unwind full turn over right shoulder
3l.v. step to the left
4r.v. touch
5r.v. step to the right
6l.v. touch
7turn ¼ left l.v. step forward
8turn ½ left r.v. step back (9)
Step ¼, cross rock, side step, cross step, side step, sailor step ¼ left
1l.v. step ¼ to the left (6)
2r.v. cross over l.v.
3recover on left
4r.v. step to the right
5l.v. cross over r.v.
6r.v. step to the right side
7cross l.v. behind r.v.
&turn ¼ left r.v. step next to l.v.
8l.v. step next to r.v. (3)
Scuff hitch, step, scuff hitch step, 4 x hips
1r.v. scuff forward
&r.v. hitch
2r.v. step to the right
3l.v. scuff forward
&l.v. hitch
4l.v. step to the left
5right Hip
6left hip
7right hip
8left hip
Start again
Ending: step ¼ to the right (12)
Contact: Website:www.the-stars.nl - E-Mail :elliehendriks1103@hotmail.com
Side step, hold, step, side step, hold, step, side rock, sailor ½ turn right
1r.v. step to the right side
&l.v. step next to r.v.
3r.v. step to the right side
&l.v. step next to l.v.
5r.v. side rock
6recover on left
7r.v. sailor ½ to the right
&l.v. next to r.v.
8r.v. step forward (6)
Cross, full unwind, step, point, Step, point, step ¼ , step ½ ,
1l.v. cross over r.v.
2unwind full turn over right shoulder
3l.v. step to the left
4r.v. touch
5r.v. step to the right
6l.v. touch
7turn ¼ left l.v. step forward
8turn ½ left r.v. step back (9)
Step ¼, cross rock, side step, cross step, side step, sailor step ¼ left
1l.v. step ¼ to the left (6)
2r.v. cross over l.v.
3recover on left
4r.v. step to the right
5l.v. cross over r.v.
6r.v. step to the right side
7cross l.v. behind r.v.
&turn ¼ left r.v. step next to l.v.
8l.v. step next to r.v. (3)
Scuff hitch, step, scuff hitch step, 4 x hips
1r.v. scuff forward
&r.v. hitch
2r.v. step to the right
3l.v. scuff forward
&l.v. hitch
4l.v. step to the left
5right Hip
6left hip
7right hip
8left hip
Start again
Ending: step ¼ to the right (12)
Contact: Website:www.the-stars.nl - E-Mail :elliehendriks1103@hotmail.com