CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Breakin' Up Thing

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Rob McKean (CAN) - October 2011
Breakin' Up Thing - Terri Clark
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Side Step, Hold, Together, Side, Touch, Side Step, Hold, Together, Turn Left, Scuff
1-2&3-4Step side right, hold, step together on L, step side right, touch L beside R
5-6&7-8Step side left, hold, step together on R, make a 1/4turn left and step on L, scuff R

Step Forward, Touch, ¼ Turn Left, Touch, Weave Left
9-10Step forward on R, touch L beside R
11-12Make a ¼ turn left and step on L, touch R beside L
13-16Cross R over L, step side left, cross R behind L, touch L to left side.

Behind, Turn, Step, Step, Sweep and Turn, Jazz Box Cross
17&18Cross L behind R, make a ¼ turn right onto R, step forward on L
19-20Step forward on R, sweep L around R while making a ¼ turn right on R
21-24Cross L over R, step back on R, step side left on L, cross R over L

Sway, Sway & Turn, Rolling Vine
25-26Sway Hips to left
27-28Sway hips to right while making a ¼ turn left ( Weight is on R)
29-32Make a ¼ turn left stepping on L, make a ½ turn left stepping on R, make a ¼ turn left stepping on L, touch R beside L.


Restarts: On the 7th repetition of the dance you will dance up to count 23.
The 24th count becomes a right toe touch beside the left foot, and you start the dance again.

Optional Ending
You will be facing the back of the room at the end of the 11th sequence.
To finish facing the front simply step side right, hold together on L, step side right, touch L toe back, pivot ½ turn left to front. (1-2&3-4–5)

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