CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Wondrous Place

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Joyce Plaskett (UK) - November 2011
Wondrous Place - Alice Gold : (Single)
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8 Count Intro.

Section 1 – Side Rock, Sailor Step x2, Forward Rock.
1-2Rock left to left side recover weight onto right.
3&4Cross left behind right, step right to right side (taking weight), replace weight onto left.
5&6Cross right behind left, step left to left side (taking weight), replace weight onto right.
7-8Rock forward on left, recover weight onto right.

Section 2 – Shuffle ½ Turn Left, Step Forward, ½ Turn Right, Shuffle ¾ Turn Right, Forward Rock.
1&2Make a half turn left stepping on left, right, left.
3-4Step forward on right, make a half turn right stepping back on left.
5&6Make a three-quarter turn right stepping on right, left, right.
7-8Rock forward on left, recover weight onto right.

Section 3 – Weave, Side Rock, Weave, Hold, Ball-Cross.
1&2Cross left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right.
3-4Rock right to right side, recover weight onto left.
5&6Cross right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
&8Step left to left side, cross right over left.

Section 4 – Side Step, Drag, Slide Right Out, Drag, Ball- Cross, Sway.
1Step left large step to left side.
2-3Drag right in towards left over two counts.
4-5Slide right out towards right side over two counts, bending left knee slightly as you do so.
6Start to drag right back inwards towards left (only half way in).
&7Place weight down onto right, cross left over right.
8Step right to right side, swaying hips right.

Special thanks to Steve Rutter for his help.

Begin Again & Enjoy!

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