1-4Step right diagonally forward, heel splits and clap.
5-8Step left diagonally forward, heel splits and clap.
9-12Step right diagonally forward touch left, Step left diagonally back touch right.
13-16Step right diagonally back touch left, Step left diagonally forward touch right.
Restart on 13th wall
17-20Right grapevine touch left.
21-24Left grapevine with a 1/4 left touch right.
25-28Right kickball change stop right forward. (Surf)
29-32Left kickball change stop left forward. (Surf)
On the stomp forward strike a surfing pose.
Start again
5-8Step left diagonally forward, heel splits and clap.
9-12Step right diagonally forward touch left, Step left diagonally back touch right.
13-16Step right diagonally back touch left, Step left diagonally forward touch right.
Restart on 13th wall
17-20Right grapevine touch left.
21-24Left grapevine with a 1/4 left touch right.
25-28Right kickball change stop right forward. (Surf)
29-32Left kickball change stop left forward. (Surf)
On the stomp forward strike a surfing pose.
Start again