CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Next To you

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Karen Birks (UK) - September 2011
Next To You (feat. Justin Bieber) - Chris Brown
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16 count intro start on Vocals {on word Smile}

Section 1: Rock Recover, full turn, Rock forward, Rock back, Coaster step
1,2Rock forward onto the right foot, recover onto the left
3&4full turn over the right shoulder stepping right, left right,
5,6rock forward onto the Left foot, rock back onto the left
7&8step back onto the left, step right next to the left, step forward onto the left

Section 2: rock, rock, 1/2 turn, 1/2 turn, rock back, rock forward, shuffle forward
1,2Rock forward onto the right foot, rock back onto the left
3,4step forward onto right foot making ½ turn over right shoulder, step back onto left foot making ½ turn over right shoulder
5,6Rock back onto the right foot, recover onto the left foot
7&8step forward onto the right foot, step left next to right, step right next to left

Section 3: Kick and point, Kick and point, left sailor, Right sailor
1&2Kick left foot forward, step down on left foot, point right out to right side
3&4Kick right foot forward, step down onto right, point left out to left side
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left beside right
7&8Step right behind left , step left to left side, step right to right side

Section 4: Side shuffle ¼ turn, step ¼ turn, cross, side, behind and heel and cross
1&2step left to left side, step right next to left, step forward onto left making ¼ turn left
3,4step forward onto the right, pivot ¼ turn left,
5,6cross right foot over the left, step left to left side*{2 count tag and restart wall 2}
7&8step right foot behind left, step left to left side, touch right heel forward
&1step down onto right foot, cross left foot over the right

Section 5: Point, ½ turn, point, & point, turn, turn, ¼ touch
2,3point right out to right side, step down onto right making 1.2 turn over right shoulder
4&5point left out to left side, step down onto left foot, point right out to right side
6,7step down onto right making ¼ turn right, step back onto left making ½ turn over Right shoulder,
8touch right next to left making ¼ turn

Section 6: hip bumps R L R, L R L rock back, rock forward, scuff, point & ¼ point
1&2Bump hips right, left, right,
3&4Bump hips Left, right, left
5&6rock back onto right foot, recover onto left, scuff right foot forward
7&8point right out to right side, step right next to left making ¼ turn right, point left out to left side

Section 7: & mambo forward, mambo back, rock forward, rock back, shuffle ¼ turn
&1&2Step down on the left foot, rock forward onto right foot, recover onto left foot, Step back onto right foot
3&4rock back onto left foot, recover onto right foot, step forward onto left foot
5,6rock forward onto the right foot, recover onto the left foot
7&8step right to right side making ¼ turn over right shoulder; step left next to right, step Right to right side

Section 8: Cross, side, behind and heel, and cross, side shuffle, touch
1,2cross left foot over right, step right foot to right side
3&4Step left foot behind right, step right to right side, touch left heel forward
&5step down onto left foot, cross right foot over left
6&7step the left to left side, step right next to left, step left to left side
8touch right next to left

Start again!!

TAG: One small 2 count Tag and restart on wall 2.
Dance up to section 4 - count 6 {step left to left side}
1-2Rock back onto right, Forward onto left

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